This course explores elements of nuclear physics for engineering students.
This course includes
Hours of videos
611 years
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Certificate of Completion
It covers basic properties of the nucleus and nuclear radiations; quantum mechanical calculations of deuteron bound-state wave function and energy; n-p scattering cross section; transition probability per unit time and barrier transmission probability. It also covers binding energy and nuclear stability; interactions of charged particles, neutrons, and gamma rays with matter; radioactive decays; and energetics and general cross section behavior in nuclear reactions
Course Currilcum
- Basic Nuclear Concepts Unlimited
- Supplement Unlimited
- Schrödinger Wave Equation Unlimited
- Bound States in One Dimensional Systems – Particle in a Square Well Unlimited
- Bound States in Three Dimensions – Orbital Angular Momentum Unlimited
- Barrier Penetration Unlimited
- The Neutron-Proton System: Bound State of the Deuteron Unlimited
- Overview of Cross Section Calculation Unlimited
- Neutron-Proton Scattering Unlimited
- Nuclear Shell Model Unlimited
- Nuclear Binding Energy and Stability Unlimited
- Binding Energy and Mass Parabolas Unlimited
- Radioactive-Series Decay Unlimited
- Charged Particle Interactions: Stopping Power, Collision and Ionization Unlimited
- Charged Particle Interactions: Radiation Loss, Range Unlimited
- Neutron Interactions: Q-equation and Elastic Scattering Unlimited
- Neutron Interactions: Energy, Angular Distributions, Thermal Motions Unlimited
- Gamma Interactions: Compton Scattering Unlimited
- Gamma Interactions: Photoelectric Effect and Pair Production Unlimited
- Detection of Nuclear Radiation: Pulse Height Spectra Unlimited