Introduction to the theories of economic growth.
This course includes
Hours of videos
138 years, 10 months
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Certificate of Completion
Topics will include basic facts of economic growth and long-run economic development; brief overview of optimal control theory and dynamic programming; basic neoclassical growth model under a variety of market structures; human capital and economic growth; endogenous growth models; models with endogenous technology; models of directed technical change; competition, market structure and growth; financial and economic development; international trade and economic growth; institutions and economic development. This is a half-term subject. The class size is limited.
Course Currilcum
- An Introduction to Growth Models and Growth Facts Unlimited
- The Neoclassical Growth Model Unlimited
- Using the NGM Beyond Growth: Asset Pricing, Public Finance, Overlapping Generations Unlimited
- Endogenous Growth I: AK, Spillovers, Human Capital Unlimited
- Endogenous Growth II: R&D, Varieties vs. Quality, Directed Technological Change Unlimited