Learn to produce great designs, be a more effective engineer, and communicate with high emotional and intellectual impact.
416 years, 7 months
This project based course gives students the ability to understand, contextualize, and analyze engineering designs and systems. By learning and applying design thinking, students will more effectively solve problems in any domain. Lectures focus on teaching a tested, iterative design process as well as techniques to sharpen creative analysis. Guest lectures from all disciplines illustrate different approaches to design thinking. This course develops students’ skills to conceive, organize, lead, implement, and evaluate successful projects in any engineering discipline. Additionally, students learn how to give compelling in-person presentations. Open to all majors, all years
Course Currilcum
- Introduction Unlimited
- 10 Step Design Process; Dieter Rams Unlimited
- Research; Stakeholder Analysis Unlimited
- Articulating Design Unlimited
- Psychology Unlimited
- Psychology (Cont’d) Unlimited
- Dialogue Systems Technology Unlimited
- Usability Unlimited
- Branding Unlimited
- Dialogue System Design Unlimited
- Creativity Unlimited
- Project Management Unlimited
- Presentation Skills Unlimited
- Group Project Success Unlimited
- Innovation and Ethics; Build a Company Unlimited