The Tribal Eye is a seven-part BBC documentary series presented by David Attenborough, exploring the emotions which lie behind the masks and decorations of primitive people.
194 years, 5 months
Through the series, David Attenborough gives us a fascinating guide to the world's tribal art traveling to intriguing places and tribal communities. David Attenborough begins his journey with a look at the life and customs of the Dogon people in Mali. And then he explores several other intriguing tribal cultures in the world: the art and cultures of the North West American Indians; the wealth and culture of the Aztecs and Incas; the bronze artifacts from the Benin Kingdom in modern day Nigeria; rugs made by tribeswomen of Asia and the Middle East; and tribal customs in Melanesia. On the final program, David Attenborough revisits several of the locations of the previous programs and discusses the effect the outside world is having on tribal life and art.
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- Episode 1 – Behind the Mask Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Crooked Beak of Heaven Unlimited
- Episode 3 – The Sweat of the Sun Unlimited
- Episode 4 – Kingdom of Bronze Unlimited
- Episode 5 – Woven Gardens Unlimited
- Episode 6 – Man Blong Custom Unlimited
- Episode 7 – Across the Frontiers Unlimited