Empires: Napoleon is a four-part PBS documentary series narrated by David McCullough, chronicling Napoleon Bonaparte's life from his birth in Corsica to his final exile on Saint Helena. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in a relatively humble farmhouse in Corsica, but he lived an extraordinary life as a soldier, statesman, and overzealous emperor who conquered most of Europe.

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111 years, 1 month

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The first episode tells of Napoleon's early career, including his birth, victories in Italy as a soldier, and his love for Josephine Beauharnais. The second episode charts Napoleon's ascent to absolute power, from victorious General to first Consul to Emperor of France. The Third episode witnesses Napoleon conquer most of Europe in a series of brilliant triumphs, including his legendary victory at the Battle of Austerlitz. The fourth and final episode describes Napoleon's downfall, including the invasion and subsequent retreat from Russia, the Battle of Waterloo, and his exile on Saint Helena.

Course Currilcum

  • Episode 1 – To Destiny Unlimited
  • Episode 2 – Mastering Luck Unlimited
  • Episode 3 – Summit of Greatness Unlimited
  • Episode 4 – The End Unlimited