Richard Hammond's Miracles of Nature is a three-part documentary series that reveals secret animal abilities from the natural world, and discovers how those same animals have inspired a series of unlikely human
September 28, 2023
English [CC]
inventions at the very frontiers of science. In the first episode, Richard Hammond explores some of animal super-bodies that have inspired a series of unlikely human inventions, and discovers how a giraffe's neck can stop a jet pilot losing consciousness and how a woodpecker's skull can safely protect a light bulb dropped from space. Then Richard Hammond continues his exploration of weird and wonderful animal abilities by focusing on super-senses, and discovers how those same animal senses have inspired some unlikely human inventions. In the third and final episode, Richard Hammond looks at animal super-powers that have inspired scientists and engineers to create brand new human inventions that could change the way we live
Course Curriculum
- Episode 1 – Super-Bodies Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Super-Senses Unlimited
- Episode 3 – Super-Powers Unlimited
About the instructor
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Hours of videos
83 years, 3 months
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