The early modern period from 1500 to 1780 is one of the most engaging periods for historical study.

This course includes
Hours of videos

5 hours, 58 minutes

Units & Quizzes


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Certificate of Completion

Beginning with the upheavals of the Reformation, and ending with the Enlightenment, this was a time of fundamental intellectual, social, religious and cultural change. At the same time, early modern Europe was rooted in and retained many of the customs of medieval times. In this free course, Early modern Europe: an introduction, you will explore some of the fundamental characteristics of this fascinating period of history.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the fundamental features of the early modern period and understand the problems of defining the early modern period
  • Appreciate that there are different approaches to the study of historical periods
  • Understand what evidence we can obtain from historical sources used in the study of early modern Europe.

Course Currilcum

  • Introduction 00:10:00
  • Learning outcomes 00:07:00
  • Welcome to early modern Europe 00:30:00
  • When was the early modern period? 00:30:00
  • What do we mean by Europe? 00:30:00
  • What were the features of the early modern period? 01:00:00
  • Early modern Europe: historical approaches 00:10:00
    • Early modern Europe: themes 00:03:00
    • Society and social order 01:00:00
    • Religion: Reformation and Counter-Reformation 00:01:00
    • Work and trade 00:30:00
    • Bodies, health and disease 00:45:00
    • Knowledge and ideas 00:35:00
    • Conclusion 00:07:00