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Study A-Level Physics from home - your route to the academic success-This new A-Level course has been updated to meet the latest academic specifications, so you can feel confident you are studying the most up-to-date academic content.
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- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Course Overview
On this course, you will be able to:
- Gain up to 56Â UCAS points to help you land your dream place at University
- Study at your own time and pace with no strict deadlines to contend with
- Develop both the theoretical and practical knowledge of the subject
- Carry out experimental and investigative activities in a range of contexts
- Fundamental (base) units mass, length, time, a quantity of matter, temperature,
- Electric current
- SI units
- SI prefixes, values and standard
- Light intensity Prefixes
- Unit converting Random and systematic errors
- Uncertainty Graph using error bars
- Gradient uncertainties Straight-line graph
- Magnitude
- Values of physical quantities
- Constituents of the atom
- Stable and unstable nuclei
- Particles, antiparticles and photons
- Particle interactions
- Classification of particles
- Quarks and antiquarks
- Applications of conservation laws
- The photoelectric effect
- Collisions of electrons with atoms
- Energy levels and photon emission Wave-particle duality
- Progressive waves
- Longitudinal and transverse waves
- Formation of stationary waves
- Interference
- Diffraction
- Refraction at a plane surface
- Scalars and vectors
- Moments Motion along a straight line
- Projectile motion
- Newton’s laws of motion
- Momentum Work, energy and power
- Conservation of energy
- Bulk properties of solids
- The Young modulus
- Basics of electricity Current-voltage characteristics
- Resistivity
- Circuits
- Potential divider
- Electromotive force and internal resistance
- Circular motion
- Simple harmonic motion (SHM)
- Simple harmonic systems Forced vibrations and resonance
- Thermal energy transfer
- Ideal gases Molecular kinetic theory model
- Fields Newton's law
- Gravitational field strength
- Gravitational potential Orbits of planets and satellites
- Electric fields
- Electric field strength
- Electric potential
- Capacitance
- Parallel plate capacitor
- Energy stored by a capacitor
- Capacitor charge and discharge
- Magnetic flux density
- Moving charges in a magnetic field
- Magnetic flux and flux linkage
- Electromagnetic induction
- Alternating currents
- The operation of a transformer
- Rutherford scattering α, β and γ radiation
- Radioactive decay
- Nuclear instability
- Nuclear radius
- Mass and energy
- Induced fission
- Safety aspects
- Astronomical telescope consisting of two converging lenses
- Reflecting telescopes
- Single dish radio telescopes, I-R, U-V and X-ray telescopes
- Advantages of large diameter telescopes
- Classification by luminosity
- Absolute magnitude,
- M Classification by temperature, black-body radiation
- Principles of the use of stellar spectral classes
- The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram Supernovae, neutron stars and black holes
- Doppler effect
- Hubble's law
- Quasars Detection of exoplanets
Exams and Assessment
To achieve the full Physics A Level you must take the exams and practical assessments. You will be responsible for booking your exams. You can contact us for help with this whenever you are ready. The exams will be assessed across the nine topics and 12 practical assessments. All units will be assessed by three paper-based exams. A more detailed breakdown of the exam details is provided below: Paper 1- Type: Written examination
- Duration: 2 hours
- Weighing: 34% of A Level
- Total Marks: 85
- Assessment format: A mixture of short and long answer questions and multiple-choice questions
- Type: Written examination
- Duration: 2 hours
- Weighing: 34% of A Level
- Total Marks: 85
- Assessment format: A mixture of short and long answer questions and multiple-choice questions
- Type: Written examination
- Duration: 2 hours
- Weighing: 32% of A Level
- Total Marks: 80
- Assessment format: A mixture of short and long answer questions
- Practical Assessment
Course Duration
You will have 2 years to complete the full A-Level from the date you receive your materials. You will be able to study at your own pace and in your own time without the pressure of tight deadlines.Study Method
This course enables you to study for an A-Level in Physics by distance learning at home or at work. Your course materials will be sent via email. Full tutor support will be available via email, so help is only a click away! Your course will include self-assessment exercises and tutor-marked study questions, so you can monitor your progress. Once you have successfully completed the exams you will receive the AQA accredited A-Level in Physics. These subject-based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, training, or work. It is possible for students to receive an A-Level Physics qualification without completing the practical assessment, although your certificate will state you have not done so and it may seriously harm your chances of securing a place at university or getting a job. On your written exams 15% of marks rely on having some knowledge of these practical skills. Therefore we strongly advise you to take your practical assessments and written exams.Course content
- WAVES 2 months
- ELECTRICITY 2 months
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