A Science Odyssey is a PBS documentary series hosted by Charles Osgood, exploring the sweeping changes that have revolutionized life and thinking in the twentieth century.
138 years, 10 months
The series consists of five episodes, each of which charts the twentieth century’s major scientific and technological discovery in one of five areas - Earth and life sciences; physics and astronomy; human behavior; medicine and health; and technology. Each episode moves chronologically through the century, blending exciting historic adventures - full of twists and turns, suspense and surprise - with the political, economic, and cultural changes that have caused or come about because of scientific discovery. Through illuminating first-hand interviews, rare historical footage, and computer animations, A Science Odyssey offers a rich behind-the-science chronicle of the century's most revolutionary scientific and technological discoveries.
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- Episode 1 – Origins Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Mysteries of the Universe Unlimited
- Episode 3 – In Search of Ourselves Unlimited
- Episode 4 – Matters of Life and Death Unlimited
- Episode 5 – Bigger, Better, Faster Unlimited