A Science Odyssey is a PBS documentary series hosted by Charles Osgood, exploring the sweeping changes that have revolutionized life and thinking in the twentieth century.
September 21, 2023
English [CC]
The series consists of five episodes, each of which charts the twentieth century’s major scientific and technological discovery in one of five areas - Earth and life sciences; physics and astronomy; human behavior; medicine and health; and technology. Each episode moves chronologically through the century, blending exciting historic adventures - full of twists and turns, suspense and surprise - with the political, economic, and cultural changes that have caused or come about because of scientific discovery. Through illuminating first-hand interviews, rare historical footage, and computer animations, A Science Odyssey offers a rich behind-the-science chronicle of the century's most revolutionary scientific and technological discoveries.
Course Curriculum
- Episode 1 – Origins Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Mysteries of the Universe Unlimited
- Episode 3 – In Search of Ourselves Unlimited
- Episode 4 – Matters of Life and Death Unlimited
- Episode 5 – Bigger, Better, Faster Unlimited
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Hours of videos
138 years, 10 months
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