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Have you ever wondered about how information and technology have impacted healthcare? What influence does all this have on how a day-to-day clinical role is carried out? This free course, An introduction to data and information in health and social care, will help you to understand the ways computers and technology work with health data to produce information, and how exactly this impacts patient care.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Identify some of the instances in a care setting where a computer is, or is likely to be, involved
- Describe, in simple terms, the difference between data and information
- Give a simple definition of why computers are important to people working in health and social care in terms of data and information
- Explain in simple terms what a computer program is, and why one is necessary
- Explain the role of the computer with respect to the data given to it and how this can improve health and social care delivery.
Course content
- Introduction 00:15:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- What this course is about 00:25:00
- Daily life and computers 00:10:00
- A day in the life 00:30:00
- Data and information 00:10:00
- Health and social care providers care records 00:20:00
- Sensing data and turning it into something usable 00:20:00
- Human beings, data, signs and symbols 00:30:00
- Data and information 00:25:00
- What does this have to do with computers? 00:30:00
- Computers as tools for finding 00:15:00
- Where am I and how do I get to …? 00:10:00
- Maps 00:30:00
- Geographical data 00:15:00
- Global positioning system (GPS) 00:30:00
- Finding information: the internet 00:10:00
- Search engines: what are they? 00:40:00
- Using the web more effectively 00:25:00
- Using a search engine more effectively 00:20:00
- Controlling things; selling things 00:10:00
- Controlling things 00:10:00
- The user interface 00:15:00
- Choosing programs and parameters 00:10:00
- Ensuring safety 00:10:00
- Controlling the machine 00:10:00
- Technology and change 00:15:00
- Using a sales website 00:10:00
- Database servers 00:20:00
- Security: are my credit card details safe? 00:15:00
- Summary 00:10:00
- Conclusion 00:15:00
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