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This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of artificial intelligence.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Upon completion of 6.034, students should be able to develop intelligent systems by assembling solutions to concrete computational problems; understand the role of knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning in intelligent-system engineering; and appreciate the role of problem solving, vision, and language in understanding human intelligence from a computational perspective
Course content
- Introduction and Scope Unlimited
- Reasoning: Goal Trees and Problem Solving Unlimited
- Reasoning: Goal Trees and Rule-Based Expert Systems Unlimited
- Search: Depth-First, Hill Climbing, Beam Unlimited
- Search: Optimal, Branch and Bound, A* Unlimited
- Search: Games, Minimax, and Alpha-Beta Unlimited
- Constraints: Interpreting Line Drawings Unlimited
- Constraints: Search, Domain Reduction Unlimited
- Constraints: Visual Object Recognition Unlimited
- Introduction to Learning, Nearest Neighbors Unlimited
- Learning: Identification Trees, Disorder Unlimited
- Neural Nets Unlimited
- Deep Neural Nets Unlimited
- Learning: Genetic Algorithms Unlimited
- Learning: Sparse Spaces, Phonology Unlimited
- Learning: Near Misses, Felicity Conditions Unlimited
- Learning: Support Vector Machines Unlimited
- Learning: Boosting Unlimited
- Representations: Classes, Trajectories, Transitions Unlimited
- Architectures: GPS, SOAR, Subsumption, Society of Mind Unlimited
- Probabilistic Inference I Unlimited
- Probabilistic Inference II Unlimited
- Model Merging, Cross-Modal Coupling, Course Summary Unlimited
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