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Asbestos became a very popular commercial product because it was a relatively inexpensive, virtually indestructible material with desirable physical properties including chemical resistance, incombustibility, thermal insulating ability, electrical insulating ability, mechanical strength, flexibility and good friction and wear characteristics.
English [CC]
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The term asbestos describes naturally occurring fibrous minerals found in certain types of rock formations. Asbestos is mined in much the same way that other materials, such as iron, lead, and copper is. Asbestos is contained in more than 3,000 different building products. These include thermal insulation (pipe and boiler insulation), fireproofing, floor coverings, ceiling tile, cement pipe, and acoustical and decorative treatment for ceilings and walls. Asbestos fibres are mixed during the processing with material which binds them together so they can be used in various applications.
Training Content:
- What is Asbestos?
- Health Effects Associated with Exposure
- Defence Mechanisms
- Smoking
- Location of ACBM and ACM
- Recognition of Damage
- Emergency Procedures and Contacts
- Rules and Regulations
- Abatement
- Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
- Questions and TEST
- 2 Hour Annual Awareness Training
- Asbestos-Uses and Forms
- Location of ACBM
- Recognition of Damage
- Names and Telephone Numbers of Program Manager and Emergency Personnel
- 14 Additional Hours for O&M Personnel
- Construction Engineers
- Civil Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
- Construction Management Team
- Project Management Team
- Facilities and Buildings Management Team
- Contractors and Sub-Contractors
- Construction Consultants
- Buildings and Residential Surveyors
- Buildings Inspection Officers
- Health and Safety Officers
- Asbestos Consultant
- Asbestos Inspector
- Asbestor Assessor
Course content
- Asbestos- Introduction 00:20:00
- Asbestos- Definition of Asbestos 00:30:00
- Asbestos- Health Effects 02:00:00
- Asbestos- Defense Mechanisms 00:20:00
- Asbestos- Smoking 00:10:00
- Asbestos-Location of ACBM 00:20:00
- Asbestos- Recognition Damage 00:25:00
- Asbestos- Emergency Procedures and Contact 00:20:00
- Asbestos- Rules and Regulations 00:10:00
- Asbestos- Abatement 00:30:00
- Asbestos Awareness Video FREE 00:05:00
- Importance Of Health And Safety In The Workplace FREE 00:10:00
- Purpose of the Standards Around the World FREE 00:30:00
- European Standards FREE 02:00:00
- British Standards FREE 02:00:00
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