This course, Beginners' Italian: Food and drink, focuses on buying drinks and snacks in an Italian café, as well as on greeting and introducing yourself in Italian. It does not require any previous knowledge of Italian.

This course includes
Hours of videos

Units & Quizzes


Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion


In this course, you learn some basic vocabulary relating to food and drinks, greetings and introductions. You practice ordering drinks and snacks in an Italian café. You will also find out about customs to do with food and drink. Listening to Italian speakers in a variety of situations will enable you to practice initial listening skills. Some activities in this course use an audio-recording tool. This may not work correctly in the Safari browser on Apple Mac computers. Please try another browser such as Google Chrome to run this.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:
  • Take part in simple exchanges when buying drinks and snacks in an Italian café
  • Understand some customs relating to Italian cafés
  • Begin to use the indefinite article in Italian.

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