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The furore surrounding the so-called 'mad cow' diseases is an important and controversial episode of recent years.
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Although it peaked several years ago, the topic is still of great medical significance, influencing the way the public thinks about and experiences science and scientists. All of which is touched upon in in this free course, BSE and vCJD: their biology and management.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the way that prion molecules cause diseases such as BSE and vCJD, and how the key discoveries about prions were made
- Demonstrate knowledge of the patterns of BSE and vCJD in populations, and how this information is used to predict the number of cases there may be in future (and to assess the accuracy and precision of such predictions)
- Demonstrate knowledge of how science can make important contributions to managing episodes such as BSE/vCJD, and how important insights are gained from disciplines outside the natural sciences and also members of the general public, including farmers and consumers of beef-related products.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- course overview 00:20:00
- BSE 00:30:00
- Pre-existing human TSEs 00:35:00
- TSEs and non-human animals 00:15:00
- BSE and risks to human health: vCJD 00:20:00
- The biology of prions 01:30:00
- The origin and spread of BSE 02:00:00
- The emergence of vCJD 01:00:00
- The epidemiology of vCJD 01:30:00
- Is prion-like behaviour exceptional or the norm? 00:40:00
- Managing the BSE/vCJD episode: an overview 00:10:00
- Managing the BSE/vCJD episode up to May 1990 00:45:00
- Managing the BSE/vCJD episode from May 1990 to March 1996 00:40:00
- Managing the BSE/vCJD episode from March 1996 01:30:00
- The official inquiries 00:10:00
- An overview 00:25:00
- Dealing with vCJD 00:30:00
- course summary 00:35:00
- course questions and answers 01:00:00
- Conclusion 00:03:00
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