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Human societies have to take urgent action to end their dependences on fossil fuels.
English [CC]
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We have to alter the whole path of our development and decision making in order to make our societies both environmentally adaptable and sustainable. This course, Climate change, takes on the task of trying to chart some of the ways in which it might be possible.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Understand the four dimensions of globalisation in relation to climate change
- Distinguish between the three approaches to achieve sustainability
- Know the difference between ‘government’ and ‘governance’
- Identify what makes ecological citizenship distinctive
- Understand how the medium of the web can aid transitions to sustainability.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:05:00
- What is ‘globalisation’? 00:05:00
- Globalisation is about networks 00:15:00
- Political responses to climate change and the environment 00:25:00
- Vibrant civil societies and a networked globe 00:15:00
- Who will make the decisions? 00:07:00
- Governance – filling the hole where government used to be 00:30:00
- What is the difference between government and governance? 00:20:00
- Good green governance in five easy steps 00:20:00
- Green governance needs citizens 00:15:00
- Too late for the nation state? 00:20:00
- Citizenship beyond (species) borders 00:15:00
- Obligations to trees? 00:15:00
- Home-grown compassion, not public commitments 00:20:00
- Questions 00:20:00
- Answers 00:20:00
- Conclusion 00:15:00
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