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The legal issues involved in setting up and running a business can be complex and confusing, especially when some of the terms used don't seem to have clear meanings. Company law in context is a course from the College of Law, offering a basic introduction to the legal concepts of companies, partnerships, assets and liabilities.
English [CC]
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In this course, we will consider the nature of businesses and the principal forms of business organization. The themes covered in Part A are a company, business and capital; and in Part B, business mediums, sole traders, partnerships or firms, and assets and liabilities. This course provides a sample of Level 1 study in Law.Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:- Part A:
- Describe in general terms what a business is
- Demonstrate an appreciation of the concept of capital.
- Part B:
- Identify the main types of business medium
- Demonstrate an understanding of the key characteristics of businesses run as sole traders
- Determine what are the assets and liabilities of a business using numeracy skills.
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