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This course provides introduction to computer graphics algorithms, software and hardware.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Topics include: ray tracing, the graphics pipeline, transformations, texture mapping, shadows, sampling, global illumination, splines, animation and color. This course offers 6 Engineering Design Points in MIT’s EECS program.
Course content
- Introduction and Course Overview Unlimited
- Bezier Curves and Splines Unlimited
- Curves Properties and Conversion, Surface Representation Unlimited
- Coordinates and Transformations Unlimited
- Hierarchical Modeling Unlimited
- Color Unlimited
- Basics of Computer Animation—Skinning/Enveloping Unlimited
- Particle Systems and ODEs Unlimited
- Particle Systems and ODE Solvers II, Mass Spring Modeling Unlimited
- Implicit Integration, Collision Detection Unlimited
- Collision Detection and Response Unlimited
- Ray Casting and Rendering Unlimited
- Ray Casting II Unlimited
- Ray Tracing Unlimited
- Acceleration Structures for Ray Casting Unlimited
- Shading and Material Appearance Unlimited
- Texture Mapping and Shaders Unlimited
- Sampling, Aliasing, and Mipmaps Unlimited
- Global Illumination and Monte Carlo Unlimited
- Graphics Pipeline and Rasterization Unlimited
- Graphics Pipeline and Rasterization II Unlimited
- Real-time Shadows Unlimited
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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