This course examines European music from the early Middle Ages until the end of the Renaissance.
This course includes
Hours of videos
583 years, 3 months
Units & Quizzes
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Certificate of Completion
. It includes a chronological survey and intensive study of three topics: chant and its development, music in Italy 1340-1420, and music in Elizabethan England. Instruction focuses on methods and pitfalls in studying music of the distant past. Students’ papers, problem sets, and presentations explore lives, genres, and works in depth. Works are studied in facsimile of original notation, and from original manuscripts at MIT, where possible.
Course Currilcum
- Introduction to Early Music and to Chant Unlimited
- Antiquity to Chant Unlimited
- The Purpose and Types of Chant Unlimited
- Diversity and Development in Chant Unlimited
- Secular Monophony in the Middle Ages Unlimited
- The Birth of Polyphony Unlimited
- Polyphony (and some monophony) in the 13th and early 14th century Unlimited
- Fauvel, Vitry, Machaut and Music in France before 1370 Unlimited
- Introduction to Trecento Music Unlimited
- Trecento Music and Musicology Unlimited
- Simplicity and Complexity Unlimited
- The End of the Trecento and The Rise of European Music Unlimited
- Madrigal and Drama in Late Sixteenth-Century Italy; Music in Venice Unlimited
- The Rise of Opera and a New Style Unlimited