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6.641 examines electric and magnetic quasistatic forms of Maxwell’s equations applied to dielectric, conduction, and magnetization boundary value problems.
English [CC]
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Topics covered include: electromagnetic forces, force densities, and stress tensors, including magnetization and polarization; thermodynamics of electromagnetic fields, equations of motion, and energy conservation; applications to synchronous, induction, and commutator machines; sensors and transducers; microelectromechanical systems; propagation and stability of electromechanical waves; and charge transport phenomena.
The instructor would like to thank Thomas Larsen for transcribing into LaTeX selected homework problems, homework solutions, and exams.
Course content
- Integral form of Maxwell’s equations Unlimited
- Differential form of Maxwell’s equations Unlimited
- Electroquasistatic (EQS) and magnetoquasistatic (MQS) fields and boundary conditions Unlimited
- The scalar electric potential and the Coulomb superposition integral Unlimited
- Method of images Unlimited
- Magnetoquasistatics Unlimited
- Polarization and conduction Unlimited
- Magnetization Unlimited
- Magnetic diffusion phenomena Unlimited
- Solutions to Laplace’s equation in cartesian coordinates Unlimited
- Solutions to Laplace’s equation in polar and spherical coordinates Unlimited
- Elastic waves on a thin rod Unlimited
- Transient waves on transmission lines Unlimited
- Waves and instabilities in elastic media Unlimited
- Waves and instabilities in the presence of motion Unlimited
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