The term 'European citizenship' triggers an immediate association with the European Union, its member states, and people who are citizens of those states.



May 19, 2022


English [CC]


This course, Enacting European Citizenship (ENACT), develops another way of thinking about European citizenship whereby European citizenship need not be granted by the state, limited to the territory within the EU borders or acted out by people who are already citizens.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a familiarity with the most recent scholarship on European citizenship and in particular with the concepts of ‘acts of citizenship’ and ‘activist citizenship’
  • Explain why European citizenship is said to be ‘derivative’ citizenship
  • Discuss the limits around thinking of citizenship as a status, and of thinking of citizenship from the perspective of those who already hold it
  • Understand how citizenship can be seen differently by asking ‘how do people do citizenship?’ rather than ‘who is the citizen?’
  • Elaborate on the ways in which those who do not hold EU citizenship can act as a European citizen.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction 00:10:00
  • Learning outcomes 00:10:00
  • Acts of citizenship 00:30:00
    • Claims to citizenship 00:10:00
    • Sex workers 00:30:00
    • Courts 00:30:00
    • Claims from outside the EU’s borders – Turkey 00:25:00
    • Claims by women’s NGOs 00:15:00
    • Conclusions: reshaping European citizenship 00:25:00

About the instructor

4.8 4.8

Instructor Rating







Profile Photo
Open University UK

Hours of videos

3 hours, 5 minutes

Units & Quizzes

Unlimited Lifetime access

Access on mobile app

Certificate of Completion