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Law 271: Environmental Law and Policy (Fall 2009, UC Berkeley). Instructor: Professor Robert D. Infelise. This introductory course is designed to explore fundamental legal and policy issues in environmental law.
English [CC]
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Through examination of environmental common law and key federal environmental statutes, including the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act, it exposes students to the major challenges to environmental law and the principal approaches to meeting those challenges, including litigation, command and control regulation, technology forcing, market incentives, and information disclosure requirements. With the addition of cross-cutting topics such as risk assessment and environmental federalism, it also gives students a grounding in how choices about regulatory standards and levels of regulatory authority are made.
Course content
- Lecture 01 – Environmental Policy Perspectives: What Is Environmental Law? Unlimited
- Lecture 02 – Environmental Policy Perspectives: The Role of Values Unlimited
- Lecture 03 – Environmental Common Law 1: Common Law Environmental Doctrines Unlimited
- Lecture 04 – Environmental Common Law 2: Common Law Versus Public Law Unlimited
- Lecture 05 – The Administrative Law of the Environment 1 Unlimited
- Lecture 07 – The Administrative Law of the Environment 3 Unlimited
- Lecture 08 – Natural Resources 1: Introduction to NEPA and the Power of Information Unlimited
- Lecture 09 – Natural Resources 2: The Duty to Prepare an EIS Unlimited
- Lecture 10 – Natural Resources 3: Contents of the EIS; Evaluating NEPA; Beyond NEPA Unlimited
- Lecture 11 – Toxics and Waste 1: Risk Assessment and Management Unlimited
- Lecture 12 – Toxics and Waste 2: Introduction to Regulating Toxic Risks Unlimited
- Lecture 13 – Air Pollution Control 1: Introduction and Overview Unlimited
- Lecture 14 – Air Pollution Control 2: National Ambient Air Quality Standards Unlimited
- Lecture 15 – Air Pollution Control 3: National Ambient Air Quality Standards Unlimited
- Lecture 16 – Air Pollution Control 4: New Source Review and the Problem of Grandfathering Unlimited
- Lecture 17 – Air Pollution Control 5: Tradeable Emission Permits: Using the Power of Markets Unlimited
- Lecture 18 – Air Pollution Control 6: Automobile Emissions and Technology Forcing Unlimited
- Lecture 19 – Water Pollution Control 1: Introduction and Overview Unlimited
- Lecture 20 – Water Pollution Control 2: The NPDES Program Unlimited
- Lecture 22 – Water Pollution Control 4: Nonpoint Source Pollution Unlimited
- Lecture 23 – Pollution Control: Environmental Enforcement 1: Introduction; Civil Enforcement Unlimited
- Lecture 24 – Pollution Control: Environmental Enforcement 2: Criminal Enforcement Unlimited
- Lecture 25 – Pollution Control: Environmental Enforcement 3: Citizen Suits Unlimited
- Lecture 26 – Environmental Federalism 1: Historical and Theoretical Background Unlimited
- Lecture 27 – Environmental Federalism 2: Sources and Limits on Federal Power Unlimited
- Lecture 28 – Environmental Federalism 3: Limits on State Power Preemption Unlimited
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