Fiber Optic Communication Systems and Techniques. Instructor: Prof. Pradeep Kumar K, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Recent years have seen an exponential increase in demand for large bandwidth and high data rate applications.

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This is fuelled by rapid advances in fiber-optic communications which includes introduction of digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms combined with coherent detection. A thorough grounding in optical fibers and fiber-optic communications is necessary to communication engineers to address future needs of high data rate communications. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems and Techniques provides solid background in wide ranging topics of fiber-optics. The topics covered include modes of optical fibers, impairments in optical fiber channel, lasers and photodiodes, optical amplifiers, WDM components, and digital fiber-optic communications. Several latest advances in DSP for fiber-optic communications is emphasized. (from

Course Currilcum

  • Lecture 01 – Overview of Fiber Optic Communication Systems Unlimited
  • Lecture 02 – Review of Maxwell’s Equations Unlimited
  • Lecture 03 – Uniform Plane Waves (UWPs) in Free Space Unlimited
  • Lecture 04 – Properties of UWPs: Propagation Constant, Polarization, and Poynting Vector Unlimited
  • Lecture 05 – Boundary Conditions and Reflections from a PEC Unlimited
  • Lecture 06 – Obliquely Incident Waves: TE and TM Waves, Snell’s Laws Unlimited
  • Lecture 07 – Obliquely Incident Waves: Reflection and Transmission Coefficients, Brewster Angle Unlimited
  • Lecture 08 – Total Internal Reflection Unlimited
  • Lecture 09 – Ray Theory of Dielectric Slab Waveguides Unlimited
  • Lecture 10 – Transverse Resonance Condition for Slab Waveguides Unlimited
  • Lecture 11 – Introduction to Optical Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 12 – Ray Theory of Light Propagation in Optical Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 13 – Concept of Waveguide Modes Unlimited
  • Lecture 14 – Systematic Procedure to Obtain Modes of Waveguide Unlimited
  • Lecture 15 – Systematic Analysis of Parallel Plate Metallic Waveguide Unlimited
  • Lecture 16 – Systematic Analysis of Dielectric Slab Waveguides Unlimited
  • Lecture 17 – Further Discussion on Slab Waveguides Unlimited
  • Lecture 17 – Further Discussion on Slab Waveguides Unlimited
  • Lecture 18 – Modal Analysis of Step Index Optical Fiber Unlimited
  • Lecture 19 – Properties of Modes of Step Index Optical Fiber Unlimited
  • Lecture 20 – Properties of Modes of Step Index Optical Fiber (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 21 – Linearly Polarized Modes Unlimited
  • Lecture 22 – Attenuation and Power Loss in Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 23 – Introduction to Dispersion in Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 24 – Mathematical Modelling of Dispersion: Transfer Function Approach Unlimited
  • Lecture 25 – Pulse Propagation Equation and its Solution Unlimited
  • Lecture 26 – Pre-Chirped Pulses and Inter and Intra-Modal Dispersion in Optical Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 27 – Beam Propagation Method Unlimited
  • Lecture 28 – Polarization Effects on Pulse Propagation Unlimited
  • Lecture 29 – Modes in Optical Fibers and Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 30 – Graded Index Fibers Unlimited
  • Lecture 31 – Light Sources, Detectors and Amplifiers Unlimited
  • Lecture 32 – Basics of Lasers Unlimited
  • Lecture 33 – Basics of Lasers (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 34 – Basics of Lasers (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 35 – Basic Properties of Semiconductor Lasers Unlimited
  • Lecture 36 – Basic Properties of Semiconductor Lasers (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 37 – Optical Properties of Semiconductors Unlimited
  • Lecture 38 – Optical Properties of Semiconductors (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 39 – Double Heterostructure Lasers, Introduction to Quantum Well Lasers Unlimited
  • Lecture 40 – Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Unlimited
  • Lecture 41 – Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier Unlimited
  • Lecture 42 – Photodetectors Unlimited
  • Lecture 43 – Noise in Photodetectors Unlimited
  • Lecture 44 – Introduction to WDM Components Unlimited
  • Lecture 45 – Couplers, Circulators, FRM and Filters Unlimited
  • Lecture 46 – Filter, MUX/DEMUX, Diffraction Grating (FBG and Long Period Grating) Unlimited
  • Lecture 47 – Optical Modulators: Current Modulation Unlimited
  • Lecture 48 – Optical Modulators: Electro-optic Modulators Unlimited
  • Lecture 49 – Review: Deterministic and Random Signals, Baseband and Passband Signals Unlimited
  • Lecture 50 – Review: Signal and Vectors, Signal Energy, Orthonormal Basis Functions Unlimited
  • Lecture 51 – Intensity Modulation/ Direct Detection Unlimited
  • Lecture 52 – BER Discussion for OOK Systems Unlimited
  • Lecture 53 – Higher Order Modulation and Coherent Receiver Unlimited
  • Lecture 54 – Coherent Receiver for BPSK Systems and BER Calculation Unlimited
  • Lecture 55 – Recovering Polarization Unlimited
  • Lecture 56 – DSP Algorithms for Chromatic Dispersion Mitigation Unlimited
  • Lecture 57 – DSP Algorithms for Carrier Phase Estimation Unlimited
  • Lecture 58 – DSP Algorithms for Carrier Phase Estimation (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 59 – Nonlinear Effects in Fiber Unlimited
  • Lecture 60 – Four Wave Mixing, Loss Measurement, Dispersion Measurement Unlimited
  • Lecture 61 – Lab Demonstration: Laser Diode Characteristics, Loss Measurement, … Unlimited

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