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This course presents finite element theory and methods for general linear and nonlinear analyses.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Reliable and effective finite element procedures are discussed with their applications to the solution of general problems in solid, structural, and fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, and fluid-structure interactions. The governing continuum mechanics equations, conservation laws, virtual work, and variational principles are used to establish effective finite element discretizations and the stability, accuracy, and convergence are discussed. The homework and the student-selected term project using the general-purpose finite element analysis program ADINA are important parts of the course.
Course content
- Large displacement analysis of solids/structures Unlimited
- Finite element formulation of solids and structures Unlimited
- Finite element formulation of solids and structures (cont.) Unlimited
- Finite element formulation of solids and structures (cont.) Unlimited
- Finite element displacement formulation (cont.) Unlimited
- Finite element formulation, example, convergence Unlimited
- Isoparametric elements Unlimited
- Convergence of displacement-based FEM Unlimited
- u/p formulation Unlimited
- Finite element large deformation / general nonlinear analysis Unlimited
- Deformation, strain, and stress tensors Unlimited
- Total Lagrangian formulation Unlimited
- Total Lagrangian formulation (cont.) Unlimited
- Total Lagrangian formulation (cont.) Unlimited
- Field problems Unlimited
- Finite element analysis of Navier-Stokes fluids Unlimited
- Incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer (cont.) Unlimited
- Solution of finite element equations Unlimited
- Slender structures Unlimited
- Beams, plates, and shells Unlimited
- Plates and shells Unlimited
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