The purpose of this course is to familiarize and engage the student in the steps and dynamics of policymaking processes that address nutrition problems and issues. An underlying tenant is that where ever nutrition problems exist, policy and program options may be enacted to address the problem directly (e.g. food subsidies to the poor) and/or indirectly (e.g. income generation or job creation).
May 17, 2022
English [CC]
Course Overview
For the purpose of this course nutrition and food, the policy is viewed as a specific set of decisions with related actions, established by a government and often supported by special legislation, which addresses a nutrition or food problem or set of problems. We realize that the lack of explicit government policy may represent an implicit "hands-off" policy; however, in this course, we want to focus on explicit government policies. Effective policies include actions that enable policy goals to be achieved, and therefore should include a means of translating policy decisions into effective programs. Policies that have not been realized through program implementation represent failures and should stimulate interest in understanding why the policies have remained barren. Good programs are the best measure of good policies, and we, therefore, include programs in our broad definition of the policy. Once a problem is defined with respect to "what, who, when, where and why," we then ask whether the problem requires or is amenable to a policy solution. If so, what are the best options? Who are the stakeholders? Who will support or resist the policy? Who pays for its implementation? What impact is expected? How is it evaluated? Traditionally, nutritional policies have been realized through programs that deliver, enable access, or encourage consumption of food or supplements; obviously, problems associated with over-nutrition will require a different approach. Nutrition policies should be evidence-based and purposeful, aiming to meet nutritional needs; the same is not necessarily true of food policies, although they frequently will have nutritional effects. As background, we discuss the evidence base of policies, but assuming the evidence base is sound, more important are:- the contexts (nutritional, political, economic, cultural, etc.) in which policies are developed,
- the processes and interaction of stakeholders which lead to policy decisions,
- the translation of policies into feasible programs,
- the evaluation of nutritional and other impacts (intended and unintended, positive and negative, measurable or not), and
- an assessment of the forces which hinder or help the implementation of the policy.
Course Objectives
After completion of this course, students will be able to: i. identify food and nutrition problems amenable to policy intervention; ii. define criteria of effective food or nutrition policies; iii. critique a specific food and/or nutrition policy with respect to its evidence-base, adequacy of implementation, nutritional impact and forces which hinder or help the implementation of the specific policy.Prerequisites
There are no formal prerequisites for taking the course; however, students are expected to be familiar with the basic principles of nutrition. Students are strongly encouraged to broaden their reading in the subjects related to the nutritional problems and policies that are addressed in the course in order to fully participate in class discussions and in order to prepare a paper critiquing a specific food or nutrition policy.The following criteria will be used to grade students:
>Â Critical review of a food or nutrition policy (70%)
Students will be expected to write a brief paper that describes and critiques a food or nutrition policy that addresses a specific nutrition problem (see "Illustrative Topics" below). Length: 7 pages, double spaced, 12 point font text. Additional tables, figures and references as required to support the basic thesis of the paper and to be referenced in the text. Description: Prepare the critique as if you were being hired as a consultant to the Ministry or Secretary of Health or Agriculture. You are expected to summarize and critique, in a succinct, readable, expert and highly informative way, a food or nutrition policy that addresses a nutritional problem in a specific context (specific state, country, region). Format: The paper should contain seven sections PLUS a one-paragraph Abstract/Executive Summary.Abstract : A single paragraph summarizing your policy critique. Nutritional Problem: briefly describe the nutritional problem being addressed by the policy - its extent, severity, health/nutritional consequences, risk group(s), geographical distribution. Policy/Program : briefly describe the specific policy being reviewed. Context: describe and critique the contexts in which the policy exists or is being developed - what are the cultural, economic, political, health/nutritional contexts; who are the policy-making or regulatory agencies? Who are the stakeholders? Who stands to gain/lose from the policy? Processes: describe and critique the processes and dynamics by which the policy was or is to be formed. Translation: critique how the policy is/was/should be translated into programs/actions. Evaluation: assess how the policy is/was being evaluated. Conclusions and Recommendations: Critique the strengths and limitations of the policy/program design, implementation and evaluation. Offer suggestions on what could be done to improve the policy's implementation and effectiveness. References: Cite references in text using number in () and list in back of paper. References may include reports, scientific literature (e.g. using PubMed or other search engines), UN Agency survey reports, government, multi- and bi-lateral agency reports, as needed and required to support your paper. Materials obtained on the web should be cited in a format similar to journal articles, books, etc.Note: Please be fully informed about, and adherent to, the School's Code of Ethics with respect to referencing the work of others. Plagiarism in anyway from any source, including web-based sources of information, for any portion of the term paper will not be tolerated.
Session | Topic | Readings |
1 | Course Introduction and Overview | Required: Sommer A., How public health policy is created: scientific process and political reality. Am J Epidemiol. 2001 Dec 15;154(12 Suppl): S4-6. Austin J, Overholt C. Nutrition policy: building the bridge between science and politics. Annu Rev Nutr. 1988;8:1-20. Supplementary: The State of the World's Children 1998: a UNICEF report. Malnutrition: causes, consequences, and solutions. Nutr Rev. 1998 Apr;56(4 Pt 1):115-23. |
2 | US Food & Nutrition Policies-The Actors, Structures & Instruments: FDA & USDA, Dietary Guidelines & Food Labels | Required: Kessler DA. The evolution of national nutrition policy. Annu Rev Nutr. 1995;15:xiii-xxvi.Schneeman BO. Evolution of dietary guidelines. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003 Dec;103(12 Suppl 2): S5-9. Supplementary: Politics vs. Science: Opposing the Food Pyramid, 1991-1992 in Food Politics: how the food industry influences nutrition and health, Nestle M, University of California Press, Berkley, Ca. 2002, 51-66. "Deconstructing" Dietary Advice In Food Politics: how the food industry influences nutrition and health, Nestle M, University of California Press, Berkley, Ca. 2002, 67-92. |
3 | Methods of Evaluating Food and Nutrition Policy | Required: Pugh LC, Milligan RA, Frick KD, Spatz D, Bronner Y. Breastfeeding duration, costs, and benefits of a support program for low-income breastfeeding women. Birth. 2002; 29(2): 95-100. Fiedler JL, Dado DR, Maglalang H, Juban N, Capistrano M, Magpantay MV. Cost analysis as a vitamin A program design and evaluation tool: a case study of the Philippines. Soc Sci Med. 2000 Jul;51(2):223-42. Hutubessy R, Chisholm D, Edejer TT. Generalized cost-effectiveness analysis for national-level priority-setting in the health sector. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 2003 Dec 19;1(1):8. |
4 | US Food & Nutrition Policies-Ideal vs. Reality: US Food Industry, Agricultural Policy, Food Availability, Consumer Demand and Impact on Dietary Choices | Required: Influencing government: food lobbies and lobbyists. In: Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health. Berkeley: University of California Press 2002;4:93-110. Nestle, M. and M. F. Jacobson. Halting the obesity epidemic: a public health policy approach. Public Health Rep. 115 (1):12-24, 2000. |
5 | WIC and Food Stamp Programs | Required: Rossi P. Feeding the poor: Assessing federal food aid. AEI Press. 1998 |
6 | Content 2 US Food Aid: From Policy to Programs to Results | Required: Sophia Murphy and Kathy McAfee. U.S. Food Aid: Time to Get It Right. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Minnesota, July 2005 Supplementary: Barrett C.B. and Maxwell, D.G. Chapters 1 and 2 in Food Aid After Fifty Years: Recasting Its Role, Routledge, London 2005. Chapters 1 and 2.Cogill B, Castleman T. Food Aid: Issues and applications. Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance. April 22, 2003. Webb P, Rogers B. Assessing the "In" in Food Insecurity, Occasional Paper No. 1, USAID Office for Food for Peace, Washington, D.C. Feb. 2003. Swindale A, Deitchler M, Cogill B, Marchione T. The Impact of Title II Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Programs on the Nutritional Status of Children. Occasional Paper No. 4, USAID Office for Food for Peace, Washington, D.C. March 2004. |
7 | International, Bilateral and National Agencies and Policy Instruments | Required: 1992 International Conference on Nutrition World declaration on nutrition:Â Joint FAO/WHO Progress Report on the Implementation of the ICN World Declaration and Plan of Action for Nutrition:Â |
8 | Student Presentations | Abstracts from selected student papers. |
Course Curriculum
- Policy Definition, Framework, Food & Nutrition Problems, Principles/Constructs 01:25:00
- US Food & Nutrition Policies – The Actors, Structures, & Instruments: FDA & USDA, Dietary Guidelines & Food Labels 05:50:00
- Methods of Evaluating Food & Nutrition Policies: How Do We Assess Costs in Relation to Effect and Benefit, and Against Alternative Programs? 00:50:00
- Developing Country Policies: Food Aid 00:55:00
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