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When you consider that the global annual consumption of primary energy increased more than ten-fold during the 20th Century, the importance of planning future energy supply becomes clear.
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Future energy demand and supply is a free course that offers an introduction to how this is being undertaken.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Summarise the difficulties of forecasting energy demand
- Assess the importance of political and economic issues, as well as geological and environmental factors, in determining trends in energy use
- Outline some of the contrasting scenarios for energy supply in the twenty-first century, and discuss evolving technologies that could play a part in future energy systems
- Appreciate the environmental consequences of society’s current energy use, and the challenges of developing sustainable energy supply.
Course content
- Introduction 00:15:00
- Learning outcomes 00:07:00
- The present-day perspective 00:30:00
- Forecasting: energy in the future 00:20:00
- A lesson from the past 00:20:00
- Global energy scenarios 00:25:00
- The World Energy Council scenarios 00:40:00
- Other scenarios: Shell and Greenpeace 00:20:00
- Forecasting UK energy demand 00:20:00
- Environmental consequences of fossil fuel combustion 00:15:00
- Fossil-fuel burning and global warming 00:30:00
- Global warming 00:30:00
- Sulphur dioxide, acid rain and air quality 00:20:00
- The effects of atmospheric aerosols 00:25:00
- Pollution solutions? 00:20:00
- Prospects and possibilities for the world’s energy future 00:02:00
- Currently available sources 00:20:00
- The hydrogen economy 00:20:00
- Nuclear fusion 00:20:00
- Managing energy use in the future 01:00:00
- Conclusion 00:25:00
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