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Genomes and Diversity (NYU Open Education). Instructor: Professor Mark L. Siegal. Millions of species of animals, plants and microbes inhabit our planet. Genomics, the study of all the genes in an organism, is providing new insights into this amazing diversity of life on Earth. We begin with the fundamentals of DNA, genes and genomes.
English [CC]
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We then explore microbial diversity, with an emphasis on how genomics can reveal many aspects of organisms, from their ancient history to their physiological and ecological habits. We follow with examinations of animal and plant diversity, focusing on domesticated species, such as dogs and tomatoes, as examples of how genomic methods can be used to identify genes that underlie new or otherwise interesting traits. Genomics has also transformed the study of human diversity and human disease. We examine the use of DNA to trace human ancestry, as well as the use of genomics as a diagnostic tool in medicine. With the powerful new technologies to study genomes has come an increased power to manipulate them. We conclude by considering the societal implications of this ability to alter the genomes of crop plants, livestock and potentially humans.
Course content
- Lecture 01 – Introduction and Overview Unlimited
- Lecture 02 – DNA Unlimited
- Lecture 03 – DNA Replication and The Genetic Code Unlimited
- Lecture 04 – Splicing, Translation and Recombinant DNA Unlimited
- Lecture 05 – DNA Sequencing and Genome Projects Unlimited
- Lecture 06 – Genome Projects Part 2 Unlimited
- Lecture 07 – Bacterial Genes and Genomes Unlimited
- Lecture 08 – Bacterial Genomes and Diversity Unlimited
- Lecture 09 – Universal Tree of Life and Ecological Genomics Unlimited
- Lecture 10 – Review: Genes, Genomes & Microbes Unlimited
- Lecture 11 – Animal Genomics and Origin of Domestic Dogs Unlimited
- Lecture 12 – Breed Discrimination and Genotypes and Phenotypes Unlimited
- Lecture 13 – Other Animal Genomes: Similarities and Differences Unlimited
- Lecture 14 – Plant Genes and Genomes and Breeding Unlimited
- Lecture 15 – Genome-wide Mapping of Traits Unlimited
- Lecture 16 – Agricultural Traits: Rice, Tomatoes, Corn Unlimited
- Lecture 17 – Genetics of Human Disease Unlimited
- Lecture 18 – Genomics for Diagnosis Unlimited
- Lecture 19 – DNA Fingerprinting and Personal Genomes Unlimited
- Lecture 20 – Human History and Diversity Unlimited
- Lecture 21 – Review: Animal, Plant and Human Genomics Unlimited
- Lecture 22 – Transgenic Plants and Animals Unlimited
- Lecture 23 – GMOs and Society Unlimited
- Lecture 24 – Cloning, Gene Therapy and Complex Human Traits Unlimited
- Lecture 25 – Conclusion: Genomics and the Future Unlimited
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