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This course, Getting started on classical Latin, has been developed in response to requests from learners who had had no contact with Latin before and who felt they would like to spend a little time preparing for the kind of learning that studying a classical language involves. The course will give you a taster of what is involved in the very early stages of learning Latin and will offer you the opportunity to put in some early practice.
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The aim of this course is to enable you to get started on learning Latin in a fairly leisurely but well-focused way. It has been developed in response to requests from students who had had no contact with Latin before and who felt they would like to spend a little time preparing for the kind of learning that studying a classical language involves. This course will give you a taster of what is involved in the very early stages of learning Latin. Along the way, you will learn some Latin words, master the pronunciation of Latin and explore the links between Latin and English. Importantly, too, you will gain a basic understanding of how Latin ‘works’ – its grammar and sentence structure – and gain a useful impression of what learning Latin actually involves. The material which follows is designed to be studied in small sections. In all, it will probably take about 8–10 hours to work through. But even if you have only a small amount of time available, you will find it useful to work through the early sections and familiarise yourself with some basic grammatical terms.
Learning Outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:- Understand some of the main links between English and Latin
- Pronounce Latin words confidently
- Have an understanding of basic English grammar in order to recognize and describe the way languages work
- Unravel basic Latin sentences.
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