Great Minds of Design is a six-part CBC documentary series hosted by Sarah Hall and Patty Johnson and Trevor McIvor, following designers through their unique processes of creation.

This course includes
Hours of videos

166 years, 7 months

Units & Quizzes


Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion

Everything from a cereal box to a skyscraper starts with a design. Great Minds of Design follows a wide variety of designers as they complete a project. What alternate forms of energy can be used? How can a building be structured to promote efficiency? How has printing technology evolved? What are the design motivations of a street artist? How do exotic cultures sustain themselves?

Course Currilcum

  • Episode 1 – Urban Redesign Unlimited
  • Episode 2 – Solar Stained Glass Unlimited
  • Episode 3 – Designing Cultures: Haiti Unlimited
  • Episode 4 – Architecture by Nature Unlimited
  • Episode 5 – Designing with Ghosts Unlimited
  • Episode 6 – Dream Big, Do Good, Spread Joy Unlimited