1.72 Groundwater Hydrology (Fall 2005, MIT OCW). Instructor: Professor Charles Harvey.
September 21, 2023
English [CC]
This course covers fundamentals of subsurface flow and transport, emphasizing the role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle, the relation of groundwater flow to geologic structure, and the management of contaminated groundwater. The class includes laboratory and computer demonstrations. This course features videos from the Cape Cod Field Trip. (from ocw.mit.edu)
Course Curriculum
- 01. Cape Cod Trip: Water Sampling and Pumping Unlimited
- 02. Cape Cod Trip: Diffusion Sampling Unlimited
- 03. Cape Cod Trip: Large-scale Aquifer Sampling Unlimited
- 04. Cape Cod Trip: Ashumit Pond Introduction Unlimited
- 05. Cape Cod Trip: Groundwater Discharge – Iron and Manganese Presence Unlimited
- 06. Cape Cod Trip: Sampling and Monitoring Devices Unlimited
- 07. Cape Cod Trip: Seepage Meter 1 Unlimited
- 08. Cape Cod Trip: Sampling and Monitoring Devices Unlimited
- 09. Cape Cod Trip: Seepage Meter 2 Unlimited
- 10. Cape Cod Trip: Cranberry Bog Unlimited
- 11. Bangladesh Study: Manual Well Drilling Unlimited
- 12. Solute Transport: Adsorption, Graphing Over Time Unlimited
- 13. Solute Transport: Active Mass Transfer Unlimited
- 14. Solute Transport: Advection with Dispersion Unlimited
- 15. Solute Transport: Diffusive Mass Transfer Unlimited
About the instructor
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