Introduces and examines the basic principles which guide growth and development and the health of individuals across the lifespan, from the prenatal period through senescence. Presents methodological, conceptual and substantive issues necessary for understanding and evaluating empirically-based information about growth, development and health at different stages of life and from different academic perspectives. The course covers several themes, including contributions of biological and environmental factors to health and human development, measuring the health of individuals in communities, understanding determinants and consequences of health and development across the lifespan, measuring population health and assessing the implications of health disparities.
May 17, 2022
English [CC]
- Identify an alternative approach to the health of populations other than the disease-based approach
- Discuss the value of integrating multiple perspectives to understanding human health, including the demographic, human development, lifespan, family, and community contexts
- Demonstrate how a longitudinal, lifespan approach provides an expanded understanding of the multiple determinants of health
- Identify the common models of behaviour change used in public health at both the individual and the population levels
- Describe an integrated approach to understanding the health of populations in developing and developed countries
Course Requirements
Summary of Major Assignments
Assignment 1: A 1,000-word paper. Assignment 2: A 1,000-word paper. Assignment 3: This assignment involves a group component and an individual component. Groups will develop a PowerPoint presentation, post it on the BBS, and present it during the final LiveTalk session. As part of the individual component, each student will write a 1,000-word paper on one of the aspects of the presentation.
Session | Topic | Readings |
1 | How Do We Think About "Health"? (Kristin Mmari) | Izquierdo, C. (2005) When health is not enough: societal, individual, and biomedical assessments of well-being among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon. Social Science and Medicine 61: 767-783. Rose, G. (1985). Sick Individuals and Sick Populations. International Journal of Epidemiology 14(1): 32-38. |
2 | Health Status Measurement (Emily Agree) | Levy, S. M. Multidimensional Assessment of the Older Patient. In J. J. Gallo & J. Busby-Whitehead & P. V. Rabins & R. A. Silliman & J. B. Murphy (Eds.), Reichel's Care of the Elderly: Clinical Aspects of Aging , Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins., 1999, pp. 20-38. Robine, J-M, Romieu, I, Cambois, E. Health expectancy indicators. Bull WHO 1999; 77: 181-185. |
3 | Measurement and Use of Biomarkers in Population-Based Research (Christopher Seplaki) | McEwen, BS. Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. New Eng J Med 1998; 338: 171-178. Fried LP, CM Tangen, J Walston et al. 2001. Frailty in older adults: Evidence for a phenotype. The Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 56A(3): M146-M156. |
4 | Conceptual Frameworks: Applications to Child and Adult Health (Henry Mosley) | Mosley, WH and Chen, LC. An analytical framework for the study of child survival in developing countries. Pop and Dev Rev 1984; 10: Supplement 25-45. Reprinted in: Bull World Health Org 2003; 81: 140-145. Evans, R. G., & Stoddart, G. L. (1990). Producing health, consuming health care. Soc Sci Med, 31 (12), 1347-1363. |
5 | Conceptual Frameworks: Applications to Reproductive Health (Henry Mosley) | Bongaarts, J. The fertility-inhibiting effects of the intermediate fertility variables. Studies in Family Planning 1982; 13: 79-89. McCarthy, J and Maine , D. A framework for analyzing the determinants of maternal mortality. Studies in Family Planning 1992; 23: 23 -33. Misra, DP, Guyer, B, Alston, A. Integrated perinatal health framework. A multiple determinants model with a life span approach. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2003; 25: 65-75. |
6 | Exploring Inequalities (Kristin Mmari) | Marmot, M., et al (1978). Employment Grade and Coronary Heart Disease in British Civil Servants. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 32: 244-249. Minkler, M., Fuller-Thomson, E., and Guralnik, J.M. Gradient of disability across the socioeconomic spectrum in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine 2006; 355: 695-703. |
7 | Multiple Determinants of Health: Race, Racism, and Health (Henry Mosley) | Geronimus, AT., Jones, B, et al. Excess mortality among blacks and whites in the United States. New Eng J Med 1996: 335: 1552 -1558. Krieger, N. Does racism harm health? Did child abuse exist before 1962? On explicit questions, critical science, and current controversies: an ecosocial perspective. Am J Pub Hlth 2003; 93: 194-199 |
8 | Multiple Determinants of Health: Sex and Gender (Henry Mosley) | Arnold , F, Choe, MK, Roy , TK. Son preference, the family-building process and child mortality in India. Pop Stud 1998; 52: 301-315. Denton , M, Prus, S, Walters, V. Gender differences in health: a Canadian study of the psychosocial, structural and behavioral determinants of health. Soc Sci Med 2004; 58: 2585-2600. |
9 | Life Span Concepts: Demographic Transition and the Theory of Technophysio Evolution (Henry Mosley) | Fogel, R and Costa, DL. A theory of technophysio evolution, with some implications for forecasting population, health care costs and pension costs. Demography 1997; 34: 49-66. |
10 | Life Span Concepts: Developmental Origins of Adult Disease (Henry Mosley) | Barker DJP. The malnourished baby and infant. British Medical Bulletin . 2001;60:69-88. Barker DJP. Developmental origins of adult health and disease; a glossary. J. Epidemiol. Community Health . 2004; 58:114-5 Barker DJP. The developmental origins of adult disease. European J. Epidem . 2003;18:733-36. Ben-Shlomo Y and Kuh, D, A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology: conceptual models, empirical challenges, and interdisciplinary perspectives. Int. J. Epidemiol . 2002; 31:285-293. |
11 | Linking Behaviors with Health and Disease (Kristin Mmari) | IOM (2001). Chapter 3: Behavioral Risk Factors. In: Health and Behavior: the Interplay of Biological, Behavioral, and Societal Influences . Washington DC : National Academy Press. |
12 | Behavior Change Theories (Kristin Mmari) | Chaney, D; Hunt, B., and Schulz, J. (2000). An Examination Using the Precede Model to Establish a Comprehensive Program to Prevent School Violence. American Journal of Health Studies 16(4): 199-204. |
13 | Culture, Health, and Behavior (Kristin Mmari) | James, D. (2004). Factors Influencing Food Choices, Dietary Intake, and Nutrition-Related Attitudes among African Americans: Application of a Culturally Sensitive Model. Ethnicity and Health 9(4): 349-367. |
Course Curriculum
- How Do We Think About “Health”? (Kristin Mmari) FREE 03:00:00
- Health Status Measurement (Emily Agree) 04:00:00
- Measurement and Use of Biomarkers in Population-Based Research (Christopher Seplaki) 02:00:00
- Conceptual Frameworks: Applications to Reproductive Health (Henry Mosley) 03:00:00
- Multiple Determinants of Health: Race, Racism, and Health (Henry Mosley) 04:00:00
- Life Span Concepts: Demographic Transition and the Theory of Technophysio Evolution (Henry Mosley) 04:00:00
- Linking Behaviors with Health and Disease (Kristin Mmari) 02:00:00
- Culture, Health, and Behavior (Kristin Mmari) 02:00:00
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