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Health and safety representatives are an important link between employees and employers. They tell employers about health and safety concerns and co-operate with them to set up and maintain workplace safety.
English [CC]
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Health and safety representatives play a key role in the consultation process outlined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Health and safety representatives are elected by workers to represent the interests of members of that workgroup in terms of work health and safety matters. Health and safety representatives are elected for a term of three years.
The Worker representation and participation guide published by Safe Work Australia contains a very useful outline of all the legislative requirements relating to health and safety representatives.
Course content
- Health and safety representatives 00:30:00
- Deputy health and safety representatives 00:10:00
- Responsibilities of health and safety representatives 01:00:00
- Keeping a list of health and safety representatives 00:30:00
- Health and safety committee functions 03:00:00
- Purpose of the Standards Around the World FREE 00:30:00
- British Standards FREE 02:00:00
- European Standards FREE 02:00:00
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