Introduces the study of ageing, its implications for individuals, families, and society, and the background for health policy related to older persons. Presents an overview on ageing from different perspectives: demography, biology, epidemiology of diseases, physical and mental disorders, functional capacity and disability, health services, federal and state health policies, social aspects of ageing, and ethical issues in the care of older individuals.
This course includes
Hours of videos
12 hours, 45 minutes
Units & Quizzes
Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion
Course Learning Objectives
To introduce students to a range of health issues that older persons, their health providers, and society face in the next decade. These include the demographics and biology of ageing, an understanding of the basic health and mental health issues, and policy decisions that state and federal government will need to solve related to these issues.Course Requirements
Paper and Presentation Students must write a 10- to 12-page paper on one health issue for older individuals addressed in the class. In addition, the student must give a 10-15 minute presentation to the class based on this material. The focus of the presentation should be a policy issue related to the paper's subject matter. All class members are expected to participate in the discussion of the topics and to turn in one question relevant to the topic of the student presenter at the conclusion of the talk. Examples of policy questions:- Is it possible to compress illness into the last months (days) of life, thereby reducing disease burden and futile end of life care for older persons? If it is possible, what can the government do to promote such compression?
- Currently, over 50% of the costs of institutional long-term care for older persons are paid for with public funds from Medicaid. What are the options being discussed for public and/or private funding? What would you recommend?
- The informal support system of a frail older individual is critical to the type and amount of formal health services that the individual will need to stay in the community. What is an equitable way to encourage the use of the informal system? What types of services should informal caregivers provide and what should be left to the formal health care system
» Selected books
Moon M. Medicare Now and in the Future. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, 1993. Rowland D, Lyons B. Financing Home Care: Improving Protection for Disabled Elderly People. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1991. Biegel D, Sales E, Schulz R. Family Caregiving in Chronic Illness. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991. Lavizzo-Mourey R, Day S, Diserens D, Grisso JA. Practicing Prevention for the Elderly. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus, Inc., 1989. Riley M, Kahn R, Foner A. Age and Structural Lag: Society's Failure to Provide Meaningful Opportunities in Work, Family, and Leisure. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1994. Calkins E, Boult C, Wagner E, Pacala J, eds. New Ways to Care for Older People: Building Systems Based on Evidence. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 1999
» Selected web sites for information regarding aging populations
http://www.census.gov/prod/2006pubs/p23-209.pdf Extensive census data on older personshttp://www.agingstats.gov/ Age-related statistics compiled by a federal interagency forum http://www.nahc.org/NAHC/Research/research.html Clearing house for information on home care and hospice http://www.cms.gov Official site for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services�information for beneficiaries, researchers, providers http://www.ahrq.gov Agency for Health Care Research and Quality http://www.nia.nih.gov National Institute for Aging, research, requests for proposals, news briefs on sponsored aging research.
Course Currilcum
- Overview/Introduction to Class FREE 00:40:00
- Demography of Aging 01:00:00
- Biological Basis and Clinical Aspects of Aging 01:00:00
- Mental Disorders of Older Persons 00:55:00
- Health Services for Older Persons: Ambulatory and Hospital Care Community-based Long Term Care 00:55:00
- Health Services for Older Persons: Institutional Long-term Care 00:55:00
- Innovative programs for chronically ill older persons 00:55:00
- State Health Policies Related to Older Persons 00:55:00