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This class examines the history and theory of historic preservation, focusing on the United States, but with reference to traditions and practices in other countries.
English [CC]
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The class is designed to examine the largely untold history of the historic preservation movement in this country, and explore how laws, public policies and cultural attitudes shape how we preserve or do not preserve the built environment. The class will give students a grounding in the history, theory and practice of historic preservation, but is not an applied, technical course.
Course content
- Introduction: What is historic preservation? Unlimited
- The roots of historic preservation in the United States Unlimited
- Preservation in the 20th century: History and policy Unlimited
- The politics of significance: The President’s House on Independence Mall, Philadelphia Unlimited
- Preservation and interpretation: the Emily Dickinson museum Unlimited
- The politics of significance II: Poe, McKim and the NYU law school project Unlimited
- If you can’t see it Unlimited
- Adaptive reuse: The Charles Street jail redevelopment Unlimited
- Preserving contemporary life: The ugly and ordinary and the high-style Unlimited
- Preserving modern architecture: The case of Aalto in Cambridge Unlimited
- Reflections on contemporary preservation debates: the World Trade Center and New Orleans after Katrina Unlimited
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