The majority of people who sleep on the streets, and in hostels and night shelters, are men. However, the number of women, particularly younger women, in these circumstances has increased (Anderson et al., 1993). They are often people with complex care and support needs, which go way beyond the provision of accommodation. But, as you will learn in this course, Homelessness, and need, complex needs are both a cause and a product of homelessness.



April 8, 2022


English [CC]


In this audio course, you will hear from four people, who will each be talking about their own experience of homelessness – John, Danny, Ernest, and Paul. These audio clips were recorded in 1999. Participants in the audio clips:
  • Helen Robinson is the presenter;
  • Julia Johnson is a member of the Open University (1999);
  • John, Danny, Ernest, and Paul are all homeless (1999).

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:
  • Understand how some of the needs of homeless people can be met.

Course Curriculum

    • The Swansea Cyrenians 00:05:00
    • Schemes run by Swansea Cyrenians in 1999 00:05:00
    • Biographical perspective: using pathways 00:05:00
    • Audio clip 1: John 00:05:00
    • Audio clip 2: Danny 00:10:00
    • Audio clip 3: Ernest 00:10:00
    • Audio clip 4: Paul 00:10:00
    • Comment on the audio clips 00:05:00
    • Conclusion 00:05:00

About the instructor

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Open University UK

Hours of videos

60 minutes

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Certificate of Completion