How Art Made the World is a BBC documentary series presented by Dr. Nigel Spivey, looking at why humans developed imagery or visual art and how visual art has influenced society.
September 26, 2023
English [CC]
The series consists of five episodes, each of which deals with a different theme of visual art: the first episode "More Human than Human" looks at why humans, throughout human history, are obsessed with images of the body that are so unrealistic; the second episode "The Day Pictures Were Born" reveals how the very first pictures ever made were created; the third episode "The Art of Persuasion" tells of the role of imagery or visual art as a political tool throughout human history; the fourth episode "Once Upon a Time" is about the role of visual art in storytelling; and the fifth and final episode "To Death and Back" is about the image of death that terrifies and yet reassures us.
Course Curriculum
- Episode 1 – More Human Than Human Unlimited
- Episode 2 – The Day Pictures Were Born Unlimited
- Episode 3 – The Art of Persuasion Unlimited
- Episode 4 – Once Upon a Time Unlimited
- Episode 5 – To Death and Back Unlimited
About the instructor
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Hours of videos
138 years, 10 months
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