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How does the hybrid world make you feel as a leader?



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Do you feel out of control? Do you trust your team and workforce to get the job done, or are you much more comfortable having them within your gaze in an office? Hybrid working is here to stay, and more than ever you will need to understand how this makes your employees feel – and how it makes you feel.

If hybrid working is supported well from all levels of an organisation, it can create real and positive change for the workforce, but it requires leaders to foster inclusion and create connections with their hybrid workforce. It requires trust. It requires empathy. It needs psychological safety. It needs clear accountability. It needs leaders to be connected and to humanise their workforce.

This course will give you an opportunity to reflect on who you are as a hybrid leader and how you want to develop. It will help you understand how to empathise with your workforce and how to adapt your communication skills when working in the office and when working remotely. It will prompt you to start thinking about how you can encourage your workforce to flourish and thrive in this new hybrid world and what you can do to help them grow and feel secure.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • explore definitions of hybrid working and identify how to create a shared understanding of these at work
  • analyse how hybrid working impacts productivity and describe the ideal hybrid working environment
  • identify ways that a hybrid culture can be grown and developed
  • become self-aware as a hybrid leader, including how to be more resilient and an active listener
  • explain what is meant by accountability and appreciate how to create accountability in a hybrid world
  • analyse the importance of empathy as a hybrid leader and distinguish it from sympathy.

Course content

  • Hybrid working: skills for leadership Unlimited


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