Introduces the material covered in the Department of Health Policy and Management. Focuses on four substantive areas that form the analytic basis for many of the issues in Health Policy and Management. The areas are (1) economics and financing, (2) need and demand, (3) politics/ethics/law, and (4) quality/effectiveness. Illustrates these issues using three specific policy issues: (1) injury, (2) medical care, and (3) public health preparedness.
May 17, 2022
English [CC]
Course Objectives
The course will provide a framework for developing and analyzing a range of health policy issues. The course begins by introducing an approach for rationally analyzing any public health policy issue. Other models of the policy process are also presented. Four analytic skills commonly used by policymakers are then introduced. The four skills are:- Analyzing historical, political, ethical, and legal ramifications
- Assessing need and demand
- Examining economic and financial considerations
- Assessing existing programs and policies
- Delivering medical care
- Injury prevention and trauma care
- Emergency preparedness
Course Curriculum
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