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This course is concerned with the concepts and principles which have been of central significance in the recent development of syntactic theory, with special focus on the “Government and Binding” (GB) / “Principles and Parameters” (P&P) / “Minimalist Program” (MP) approach.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
It is the first of a series of two courses (24.951 is taught during the Fall and 24.952 is taught in the Spring). This course deals mostly with phrase structure, argument structure and its syntactic expression, including “A-movement”. Though other issues (e.g. wh-movement, antecedent-contained deletion, extraposition) may be mentioned during the semester, the course will not systematically investigate these topics in class until 24.952.
The goal of the course is to understand why certain problems have been treated in certain ways. Thus, on many occasions a variety of approaches will be discussed, and the (recent) historical development of these approaches are emphasized.
Course content
- Introduction: “The Case for Syntax” Unlimited
- Phrase Structure Unlimited
- Phrase Structure (cont.) Unlimited
- Binding Theory Unlimited
- A-Movement Unlimited
- A-Movement (cont.) Unlimited
- Passives Unlimited
- Unaccusativity Unlimited
- Unaccusativity (cont.) Unlimited
- Unaccusativity (cont.) Unlimited
- Relational Grammar and Lexical-Functional Grammar Unlimited
- Relational Grammar and Lexical-Functional Grammar (cont.) Unlimited
- Case and Licensing Unlimited
- Case and Licensing (cont.) Unlimited
- Null Subjects (pro) Unlimited
- Control (PRO) Unlimited
- Control (PRO) (cont.) Unlimited
- Head Movement Unlimited
- Nonconfigurationality Unlimited
- Double Objects Unlimited
- Psych Verbs Unlimited
- Psych Verbs (cont.) Unlimited
- Minimalism Unlimited
- Minimalism (cont.) Unlimited
- Minimalism (cont.) Unlimited
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