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Econ 223: Introductory Game Theory (2007, University of Canterbury). Instructor: Dr. John Fountain. Game theory is the science that studies strategic interaction.
English [CC]
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Strategic interaction is all about the interplay of competition and cooperation between rational, intelligent agents. Everyone acts strategically, whether the "game" involves high flying international business and politics or down home, nitty-gritty "games" in families, flatting arrangements, schools, sporting contests, the workplace, or in an ecological niche. But few learn the principles of good strategic interaction. This course is designed to help you do just that.
Course content
- Lecture 02 – Introduction to game theory: definitions, more games, some examples Unlimited
- Lecture 03 – Introduction to sequential games 1 Unlimited
- Lecture 04 – Introduction to sequential games 1 (cont.) Unlimited
- Lecture 05 – Interpreting payoffs; changing order of moves in 2×2 game Unlimited
- Lecture 06 – Bargaining, ultimatums, lock-in and hold-up Unlimited
- Lecture 07 – Intro to simultaneous games and an analysis of 2×2 Prisoner’s Dilemma Unlimited
- Lecture 08 – Further explorations in using dominance style reasoning in simultaneous games Unlimited
- Lecture 09 – Best response or dominance? 2×2 condition games Unlimited
- Lecture 10 – Minimum effort condition game & 3 person prisoners dilemma Unlimited
- Lecture 11 – Working with sequential & simultaneous strategies Unlimited
- Lecture 12 – Sequential & simultaneous games once again + simple card game Unlimited
- Lecture 13 – Games of imperfect information: payoffs, probabilities, expectations Unlimited
- Lecture 15 – Beliefs, inverse probability and inference in a game tree Unlimited
- Lecture 16 – Reasoning under uncertainty in games Unlimited
- Lecture 17 – Mixed strategies, the basics Unlimited
- Lecture 18 – Mixed strategies, games with private information Unlimited
- Lecture 19 – A venture capitalist’s inference problem Unlimited
- Lecture 20 – Adverse selection & educational screening Unlimited
- Lecture 21 – Repeated games Unlimited
- Lecture 23 – Evolutionary Game Theory by Ted Berg Unlimited
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