The Laboratory Safety Program supports departmental efforts to protect employees and students from injury and to meet regulatory and industry standards. We work closely with academic, research, and campus support organizations to ensure the safest workplace possible.

This course includes
Hours of videos

18 hours

Units & Quizzes


Unlimited Lifetime access
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Certificate of Completion
Laboratory related support includes laboratory safety equipment testing, fume hood testing, laboratory surveys, chemical inventory services, safety reviews, incident investigations, spill responses, and assistance with implementing laboratory safety regulations and standards. Laboratory safety applies to all employees or students who work in laboratories or work areas that use or store hazardous chemicals. Employees are expected to use work practices developed in accordance with this program to prevent harmful exposure or injury while using hazardous chemicals.

Why “Laboratory Safety Training” Matters:

Laboratories have a variety of safety and health hazards. You need to understand each hazard and take proper precautions to protect yourself and your coworkers at all times. Laboratories play a vital role in many companies. They enable businesses to search for, develop, and improve a wide variety of products and to expand and fine-tune scientific knowledge. It’s important for lab workers to protect themselves from dangerous exposure without limiting their ability to make productive use of chemicals. Physical hazards include fire, explosion, and reactivity with other substances. These hazards become realities when a chemical is used or stored improperly, exposing it to circumstances that could cause it to burn, explode, etc.

Key Points:

  • Conduct a risk assessment for each lab protocol you perform to determine the hazards you face;
  • Select appropriate safety measures, such as engineering controls, personal protective equipment (PPE), and work practices to eliminate or minimize risks;
  • Maintain a safe laboratory environment at all times; and
  • Be prepared to handle lab emergencies swiftly and effectively.

Course Currilcum

    • Laboratory Safety 00:15:00
    • Overview 00:10:00
    • Regulations that Affect You 00:10:00
    • Contents of the Lab Standard 00:20:00
    • Scope and application of the Lab Standard 00:10:00
    • General Lab Safety Rules 00:30:00
    • Housekeeping Safety Rules 00:30:00
    • Dress Code Safety Rules  00:30:00
    • Personal Protection Safety Rules 00:30:00
    • Chemical Safety Rules 00:40:00
    • Chemistry Lab Safety Rules 00:20:00
    • Electrical Safety Rules 00:30:00
    • Laser Safety Rules 00:40:00
    • Permissible Exposure Limits 00:10:00
    • Employer Responsibilities 00:20:00
    • Risk Assessment 00:30:00
    • Chemical Hygiene Plan 00:10:00
    • Use of Chemicals 00:10:00
    • Material Safety Data Sheets 00:10:00
    • Chemical Storage and Spills 00:30:00
    • Emergency Lab Evacuation 00:10:00
    • HazMat Team 00:10:00
    • Fire Extinguishers in Your Lab 00:10:00
    • Personal Protective Equipment – LSCT 00:10:00
    • Gloves 00:10:00
    • Safety Glasses 00:20:00
    • Respirator 00:50:00
    • Bio-safety Cabinets 00:20:00
    • Fume Hoods 00:10:00
    • Mercury Spills 00:10:00
    • Glassware 00:10:00
    • Toxicity 01:00:00
    • Pregnancy 00:10:00
    • Mandatory Safety Rules 00:50:00
    • Last, not Least 00:10:00
    • Laboratory Safety Certificate Training Test 00:45:00