Change is everywhere in health and social care work and can evoke a variety of emotions, from excitement and eager anticipation, to fear and outright hostility.



April 8, 2022


English [CC]



Change is everywhere in health and social care environments. It can evoke a range of emotions, from excitement and eager anticipation, to fear, anxiety or hostility. Alongside the ‘big ideas’ for change that are articulated at the policy level, managers are engaged in a continual process of implementing small-scale changes that can make a real difference to people’s lives at a local level. While service users and frontline staff are also involved in change processes, it is often a particular responsibility of managers to make changes happen, and this can involve overcoming significant resistance. In this course, How to manage change in health and social care, you will explore the role of managers in the change process and the skills required for managing and leading change in health and social care work.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:
  • Appreciate the role of emotion and uncertainty in managing and leading change
  • Demonstrate an awareness of how the approach to change can influence the way a manager might lead to change
  • Understand why change is considered so important in health and social care systems, yet is often so hard to successfully implement
  • Outline a personal change management strategy and apply suitable tools to ensure successful implementation

Course Curriculum

    • How do you handle change? 01:30:00
    • Understanding change 03:00:00
    • Planning your own change management project 02:20:00
    • Conclusion 00:10:00

About the instructor

4.8 4.8

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Open University UK

Hours of videos

7 hours

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