As a society, we are now almost always connected to the internet and rely on it for many different day-to-day activities.
April 17, 2022
English [CC]
However, this dependency on the internet can make us vulnerable to attacks.
Once a connected device is compromised, it is not only that particular device that is affected – it can also be used as a springboard to attack other devices in the same network and in others.
In this connected world, it is also inevitable that personal information is stored in large-scale government and commercial databases. Unfortunately, breaches of these large-scale databases happen fairly frequently and, when they do, personal information can be leaked which will make you, and millions of others affected, vulnerable to scams and other identity crimes.
This course analyses several cyber security incidents and looks at what lessons can be learned.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts, issues and technologies associated with cyber-attacks
- Analyse cyber security incidents
- Describe and discuss some of the technological, social, legal, ethical and personal issues that relate to cyber security incidents.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction 00:15:00
- Learning outcomes 00:07:00
- Cyber security basics 00:25:00
- 2 Case study 1: WannaCry 00:07:00
- What was the attack? 00:15:00
- How did it work? 00:25:00
- Who were the attackers? 00:15:00
- What lessons can be learnt? 00:25:00
- Case study 2: the TalkTalk hack 00:05:00
- What was the attack? 00:20:00
- How did it work? 00:30:00
- Who were the attackers? 00:30:00
- What lessons can be learnt? 00:20:00
- Case study 3: the Mirai botnet 00:15:00
- What was the attack? 00:20:00
- How did it work? 00:30:00
- Who were the attackers? 00:15:00
- What lessons can be learnt? 00:10:00
- Attacking infrastructure 00:30:00
- Conclusion 00:15:00
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