We function in our personal and professional lives based on knowledge and intuitions.
This course includes
Hours of videos
305 years, 6 months
Units & Quizzes
Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion
Our intuition that we know a lot is very powerful. But sometimes intuitions are accurate and sometimes they are not; without research, it is hard to tell.
This course combines a few different goals: develop a critical eye for making inferences from data; be able to carry out simple data analysis; learn about managerial psychology; develop interesting new questions about managerial psychology and test these questions.
Course Currilcum
- Why Research in Psychology? Unlimited
- The Validity of Intuitions Unlimited
- Perception Unlimited
- Memory Unlimited
- Emotions and Self-control Unlimited
- Decision Making Unlimited
- Behavioral Economics Unlimited
- The Psychology of Money Unlimited
- Labor and Compensation Unlimited
- Groups (Norton) Unlimited
- Negotiation (Curhan) Unlimited