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Mass Spectrometry Based Proteomics. Instructor: Prof. Sanjeeva Srivastava, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Bombay.
English [CC]
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Mass spectrometry is an advanced analytical technique for accurate mass measurement. It does so by producing charged molecular species in vacuum followed by its separation in the magnetic and electric fields on the basis of their mass to charge (m/z) ratio. MALDI and ESI coupled with mass analyzers are commonly used mass spectrometer configuration in proteomics. The human proteome draft was decoded by using high-resolution liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.
In this module, we will discuss the basics of mass spectrometry, sample preparations, liquid chromatography, hybrid mass spectrometers and quantitative proteomics techniques such as iTRAQ, SILAC and TMT using mass spectrometry. The course will also provide the basic knowledge about sample preparation, mass spectrometry workflow, different chromatography technologies and quantitative proteomics. (from nptel.ac.in
Course content
- Lecture 01 – Introduction to Proteomics Unlimited
- Lecture 02 – Proteomics and Sample Preparation Unlimited
- Lecture 03 – Bacterial Protein Extraction Unlimited
- Lecture 04 – In-gel Digestion Unlimited
- Lecture 05 – Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry Unlimited
- Lecture 06 – Chromatography Techniques Unlimited
- Lecture 07 – Liquid Chromatography Unlimited
- Lecture 08 – Mass Spectrometry: Ionization Sources Unlimited
- Lecture 09 – Mass Spectrometry: Mass Analyzers Unlimited
- Lecture 10 – MALDI Sample Preparation and Analysis Unlimited
- Lecture 11 – Introduction to Quantitative Proteomics Unlimited
- Lecture 12 – Hybrid Mass Spectrometry Configurations Unlimited
- Lecture 14 – iTRAQ: In Vivo Labeling Unlimited
- Lecture 15 – TMT: In Vivo Labeling Unlimited
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