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This course contains an introduction to metric spaces and continuity.



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English [CC]



The key idea is to use three particular properties of the Euclidean distance as the basis for defining what is meant by a general distance function, a metric. Section 1 introduces the idea of a metric space and shows how this concept allows us to generalise the notion of continuity. Section 2 develops the idea of sequences and convergence in metric spaces. Section 3 builds on the ideas from the first two sections to formulate a definition of continuity for functions between metric spaces.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the Euclidean distance function on Rn and appreciate its properties, and state and use the Triangle and Reverse Triangle Inequalities for the Euclidean distance function on Rn
  • Explain the definition of continuity for functions from Rn to Rm and determine whether a given function from Rn to Rm is continuous
  • Explain the geometric meaning of each of the metric space properties (M1) – (M3) and be able to verify whether a given distance function is a metric
  • Distinguish between open and closed balls in a metric space and be able to determine them for given metric spaces
  • Define convergence for sequences in a metric space and determine whether a given sequence in a metric space converges
  • State the definition of continuity of a function between two metric spaces.

Course content

  • Introduction 00:25:00
  • Learning outcomes 00:10:00
  • Link to course PDF 00:30:00
  • Conclusion 00:15:00


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