Illinois ME 498NF: Introduction of Nano Science and Technology
By Nick Fang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
September 25, 2023
English [CC]
Introduction to Nano Science and Technology
This new elective course is intended to be a gateway for senior and graduate students to the range of special graduate courses in nanoscience and technology for engineers. The course consists of topics in fundamental nanoscale science, plus an overview of areas in nanotechnology.
Course Curriculum
- Lecture 1: Concepts in Nanoscale Science Unlimited
- Lecture 2: Primer on Nanotechnology Unlimited
- Lecture 3: Thinking at the Nanoscale – Departure from continuum Unlimited
- Lecture 4: Quantum Effects in Nanostructures – Confinement and Coherence Unlimited
- Lecture 5: Basic Carrier Interactions in Nanostructures Unlimited
- Lecture 6: Basics of Transport in Nanostructures Unlimited
- Lecture 7: Basics of Solid Mechanics in Nanostructures Unlimited
- Lecture 8: Basics of Solid Mechanics in Nanostructures Unlimited
- Lecture 9: Thermal and Electric Conduction in Nanostructures Unlimited
- Lecture 10: Thermal and Electric Conduction in Nanostructures Unlimited
- Lecture 11: Transport and Electrokenetics in Nanoscale Fluids Unlimited
- Lecture 12: Surfaces and Interface Effects Unlimited
- Lecture 13: Adhesion and Friction Unlimited
- Lecture 14: Interface and Self Assembly Unlimited
About the instructor
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