Do you want to improve your ability to divide one number into another, especially if decimals are involved, without having to rely on a calculator? This free course, Numbers: Getting to grips with division, will help you understand division and give you some practice in doing it.



April 8, 2022


English [CC]



Do you want to improve your ability to divide one number by another without having to rely on a calculator? This course will help you get to grips with division and give you some practice in dividing numbers. You don’t need to complete the whole course if only certain sections are relevant to you. I start with the basics, where you’ll have the opportunity to get some practice in dividing small numbers in your head. Then I deal with dividing bigger numbers and decimals. If you are confident you already have the skills covered by the early sections, you can move through them quickly until you get to the information you really need. On the other hand, if you find you do need to start with the basics, it may be best to take your time and work on this course over several visits.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:
  • divide one number by another
  • divide using decimals
  • practise division skills learnt.

Course Curriculum

    • Ways of expressing division 00:10:00
    • Dividing in your head 00:10:00
    • Division rules – order matters 00:10:00
    • Whole numbers, fractions and decimals 00:10:00
    • Practice dividing in your head 00:10:00
    • Dividing on paper 00:30:00
    • Dividing when you have to carry 00:30:00
    • Dealing with remainders 00:30:00
    • Summary of what you’ve learned so far 00:10:00
    • Dividing by big numbers – long division 00:10:00
    • Example of long division 00:30:00
    • Dividing decimal numbers by moving the decimal point 00:45:00
    • Dividing decimal numbers – an example 00:30:00
    • Practice dividing on paper 00:10:00
    • Appendix: multiplication tables 00:30:00
    • Conclusion 00:10:00

About the instructor

4.8 4.8

Instructor Rating







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Open University UK

Hours of videos

5 hours, 15 minutes

Units & Quizzes

Unlimited Lifetime access

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Certificate of Completion