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Particle Physics 3: Supersymmetry and Grand Unification (Spring 2010, Stanford Univ.).
English [CC]
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Instructor: Professor Leonard Susskind. In this set of lectures Professor Susskind continues his particle physics theme, moving on to supersymmetry, which describes the relationship between fermions and bosons. He connects this to the concept of vacuum energy, the energy density associated with "empty" space. Professor Susskind finishes with supersymmetry breaking and grand unified field theories, which predict proton decay. (from theoreticalminimum.com)
Course content
- Lecture 01 – Renormalization concepts, and dimensional analysis Unlimited
- Lecture 02 – Fermions and bosons Unlimited
- Lecture 03 – Propagators and renormalization of mass Unlimited
- Lecture 04 – Symmetry and Grassmann numbers Unlimited
- Lecture 05 – A first supersymmetric model Unlimited
- Lecture 06 – Supersymmetry building blocks Unlimited
- Lecture 07 – Lagrangians that preserve supersymmetry Unlimited
- Lecture 08 – Generalizing supersymmetry to 3+1 spacetime, and QFT Unlimited
- Lecture 09 – Supersymmetry breaking and an introduction to grand unified theories Unlimited
- Lecture 10 – GUTs, the SU(5) representation, proton decay Unlimited
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