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This course covers the theory, design, fabrication and applications of photonic materials and devices.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
After a survey of optical materials design for semiconductors, dielectrics and polymers, the course examines ray optics, electromagnetic optics and guided wave optics; physics of light-matter interactions; and device design principles of LEDs, lasers, photodetectors, modulators, fiber and waveguide interconnects, optical filters, and photonic crystals. Device processing topics include crystal growth, substrate engineering, thin film deposition, etching and process integration for dielectric, silicon and compound semiconductor materials. The course also covers microphotonic integrated circuits and applications in telecom/datacom systems. Course assignments include four design projects that emphasize materials, devices and systems applications.
Course content
- Optical Materials Design 1 Unlimited
- Optical Materials Design 2 Unlimited
- System Design: TDM, WDM Unlimited
- Ray Optics, EM Optics and Guided Wave Optics Unlimited
- Waveguide Design Unlimited
- LEDs Unlimited
- Optical Amplifiers and Lasers Unlimited
- Crystal Growth Unlimited
- Defects and Strain Unlimited
- III-V Processing Unlimited
- Detectors 1 Unlimited
- Detectors 2 Unlimited
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