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This course focuses on the historical problems and interventions associated with infant mortality. Describes the scientific basis for infant mortality and analyzes causes and consequences in a population and development of a programmatic and policy approach
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Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:- Describe the scientific basis for infant mortality and for the interventions currently being used to address this problem.
- Analyze the causes and consequences of high infant mortality in a population.
- Develop programmatic approaches and policies to reduce infant mortality rates in a population.
An introductory course in epidemiology is suggested. Knowledge of statistics and familiarity with research methods is also recommended. However, you are invited to take this course without having any of these prerequisites at your own educational risk.
Reading List (48 KB) This document contains a comprehensive list of all readings.
Session | Topic | Readings |
Lecture 1 | Introduction to the Problem of Infant Mortality | Required: Black, R.E., Morris, S.S., Bryce, J. (2003) Where and why are 10 million children dying every year? Lancet. 361(9376):2226-34. Hoyert, D.L., Mathews, T.J., Menacker, F., Strobino, D.M., Guyer, B. (2006) Annual summary of vital statistics: 2004. Pediatrics, 117(1):168-183. Recommended: Hogue, C.J., Vasquez, C. (2002) Toward a strategic approach for reducing disparities in infant mortality. American Journal of Public Health, 92 (4), 552-6. Lesser, A.J. (1985). The origin and development of maternal and child health programs in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 75 (6), 590-598. Ambalavanan, N., Carlo, W.A., Bobashev, G., Mathias, E., Liu, B., Poole, K., Fanaroff, A.A., Stoll, B.J., Ehrenkranz, R., Wright, L.L., National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network (2005) Prediction of death for extremely low birth weight neonates. Pediatrics, 116(6):1367-1373. Kotelchuck, M. (2006) Pregnancy risk assessment monitoring systems (PRAMS): possible new roles for a national MCH data system. Public Health Reports, 121(1):6-10. |
Lecture 2 | Epidemiology of Infant Morality I: Terminology and Immediate Causes of Infant Mortality | Required: Hogue, C.J., Vasquez, C. (2002) Toward a strategic approach for reducing disparities in infant mortality. American Journal of Public Health, 92 (4), 552-6. Sowards KA. (1999) What is the leading cause of infant mortality? A note on the interpretation of official statistics. American Journal of Public Health. 89(11): 1752-4. Kramer, M.S., Barros, F.C., Demissie, K., Liu, S., Kiely, J., Joseph, K.S. (2005) Does reducing infant mortality depend on preventing low birthweight? An analysis of temporal trends in the Americas. Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology, 19(6):445-451. Recommended: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2006) Improved national prevalence estimates for 18 selected major birth defects - United States, 1999-2001. MMWR, 54(51):1301-1305. Klebanoff, M.A., Schulsinger, C., Mednick, B.R., Secher, N.J. (1997). Pre-term and small-for-gestational-age birth across generations. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 176 (3), 521-525. |
Lecture 3 | Epidemiology of Infant Mortality II: Person, Place, and Time | Required: Ananth, C.V. and Platt, R.W. (2004) Reexamining the effects of gestational age, fetal growth and maternal smoking on neonatal mortality. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 4: 22-32. Kramer, M.S. (2003) The epidemiology of adverse pregnancy outcomes: An overview. Journal of Nutrition, 133: 1592S-1696S. Recommended: McIntire D.D., Bloom S.L., Casey B.M., Leveno K.J. (1999) Birth weight in relation to morbidity and mortality among newborn infant. New England Journal of Medicine. 340(16): 1234-8. Misra, D.P., Ananth, C.V. (2002) Infant mortality among singletons and twins in the United States during 2 decades: Effects of Maternal Age. Pediatrics, 110 (6), 1163-1168. |
Lecture 4 | Conceptual Frameworks for Understanding Infant Mortality | Required: Mosley, W.H. and Chen, L.C. (1984) An analytical framework for the study of child survival in developing countries. Population and Development Review, 10 (supplement), 25-45. O'Campo, P., Xue, X., Wang, M., Caughy, M.O. (1997) Neighborhood risk factors for low birthweight in Baltimore City: A multi-level analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 87 (7), 1113-1118. James, Serman A. (1993) Racial and ethnic differences in infant mortality and low birth weight: A psychosocial critique. Annals of Epidemiology, 3(2), 130-136. Lockwood, C.J. (1994) Recent adavances in elucidating the pathogenesis of preterm delivery, the detection of patients at risk, and preventative therapies. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6, 7-18. Recommended: Herek, G. (1995). Development of a theoretical framework and rationale for your research proposal. In W. Pequequat and E. Stover (Eds.). How to write a successful research grant: A guide for social and behavioral scientists. New York: Plenum. Earp J., Ennett S. (1991). Conceptual models for health education research and practice. Health Education Research, 163-171. Wise, P.H. (1993) Racial differences in preterm delivery: Developing a new research paradigm. Confronting racial disparities in infant mortality: Reconciling science and politics. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, suppl. 9 (6), 7-16. |
Lecture 5 | Strategies for Reducing Low Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in the U.S. | Required: Hein H.A., and Lofgren, M.A. (1999) The changing pattern of neonatal mortality in a regionalized system of perinatal care: A current update. Pediatrics. 104(5 Pt 1): 1064-9. Noble, L. (2003) Developments in neonatal technology continue to improve infant outcomes. Pediatric Annals, 32(9): 595-603. Strobino D., O'Campo P., Schoendorf K., et al. (1995) A strategic framework for the reduction of infant mortality: Implications for healthy start. Milbank Quarterly, 73, 507-33. Recommended: Anonymous. (1995). Programs to reduce unintended pregnancy. In S.S. Brown and L. Eisenberg (Eds.). The Best Intentions. Unintended pregnancy and the well-being of children and families (pp. 219-249). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Kogan, M.D., Alexander, G.R., Kotelchuck, M., and Nagey, D.A. (1994). Relation of the content of prenatal care to the risk of low birth weight. JAMA, 271 (17), 1340-1345. Mikkola, K., Ritari, N., Tommiska, V., Salokorpi, T., Lehtonen, L., Tammela, O., Paakkonen, L., Olsen, P., Korkman, M., Fellman, V. (2005) Neurodevelopmental outcome at 5 years of age of a national cohort of extremely low birth weight infants who were born in 1996-1997. Pediatrics, 116(6):1391-1400. |
Lecture 6 | International and National Approaches to the Problem of Infant Mortality | Required: Hyder, A.A., Wali, S.A., McGuckin, J. (2003) The burden of disease from neonatal mortality: A review of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. BJOG, 110 (10), 894-901. Macinko, J.A., Shi, L., Starfield, B. (2004) Wage inequality, the health system, and infant mortality in wealthy industrialized countries, 1970-1996. Social Science Medicine, 58(2): 279-92. Rodwin, V.G., Neuberg, L.G. (2005) Infant mortality and income in 4 world cities: New York , Longon, Paris, and Tokyo. American Journal of Public Health, 95(1): 86-90. Recommended: Kramer, M.S., Demissie, K., Yang, H., Platt, R.W., Sauve, R., Liston, R. (2000) The contribution of mild and moderate perterm birth to infant mortality. JAMA, 284 (7), 843-849. |
Lecture 7 | Current Controversies in Perinatal Health | Required: Freedman, M.A. (1997) The quality of data reported on birth certificates. American Journal of Public Health, 87 (11), 1867. Martin, J.A. and Park, M.M. (1999) Trends in twin and triplet births: 1980-1997. National Vital Statistics Reports, 47 (24), 1-16. Misra, D. and Guyer, B. (1998) Benefits and limitations of prenatal care: From counting visits to measuring content. JAMA, 279 (20), 1661-1662. |
Lecture 8 | Racial Differences in Pregnancy Outcomes | Required: Hessol, N.A., Fuentes-Afflick, E. (2005) Ethnic differences in neonatal and postneonatal mortality. Pediatrics, 115(1):e44-51. Morales, L.S., Staiger, D., Horbar, J.D., Carpenter, J., Kenny, M., Geppert, J., Rogowski, J. (2005) Mortality among very low-birthweight infants in hospitals serving minority populations. American Journal of Public Health, 95(12):2206-2212. Morse, S.B., Wu, S.S., Ma, C., Ariet, M., Resnick, M., Roth, J. (2006) Racial and gender differences in the viability of extremely low birth weight infants: a population-based study. Pediatrics, 117(1):e106-112. Recommended: Zuvekas, A., Wells, B.L., Lefkowitz, B. (2000). Mexican American infant mortality rate: implications for public policy. Journal of Health Care of the Poor and Underserved. 11(2), 243-57. |
Lecture 9 | Measures of Neonatal Morbidity | Required: Alexander, G.R. (1997) Annotation: The accurate measurement of gestational age-A critical step toward improving fetal death reporting and perinatal health. American Journal of Public Health, 87 (8), 1278-1279. Morris, S.S., Black, R.E., Tomaskovic, L. (2003) Predicting the distribution of under-five deaths by cause in countries without adequate vital registration systems. International Journal of Epidemiology. 32(6):1041-51. van de Riet JE, Vandenbussche FP, Le Cessie S,Keirse MJ. (1999) Newborn assessment and long-term adverse outcome: A systematic review. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 180(4): 1024-9. Recommended: Hales, S., Howden-Chapman, P., Salmond, C., Woodward, A., Mackenbach, J. (1999). National infant mortality rates in relation to gross national product and distribution of income. Lancet. 354, 2047. Zemach, R. (1984) What the vital statistics system can and cannot do. American Journal of Public Health, 74 (8), 756-758. |
Lecture 10 | Evaluating the Prevention of Infant Mortality | Required: Smith, G.C., Wood, A.M., Pell, J.P., Dobbie, R. (2006) Sudden infant death syndrome and complications in other pregnancies. Lancet, 366(9503):2107-2111. Misra, D.P., Guyer, B., Allston, A. (2003) Integrated perinatal health framework: A multiple determinants model with a life span approach. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 25 (1), 65-75. Strobino, D.M., Misra, D.P., Grason, H. (2004) The FIMR Evaluation: Objectives, concepts, frameworks, and methods. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 8(4): 205-215. Recommended: Collaborative Group on Pre-term Birth Prevention, (1993). Multicenter randomized controlled trial of a pre-term birth prevention program. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 169, 352-366. Hamvas, A., Wise, P.H., Yang, R.K., Wampler, N.S., Noguchi, A., Maurer, M.M., Walentik, C.A., Schramm, W.F., Cole, F. S. (1996) The influence of the wider use of surfactant therapy on neonatal mortality among blacks and whites. The New England Journal of Medicine, 334, 1635-1640. Palta, M., Weinstein, M.R., McGuiness, G., Gabbert, D., Brady, W., and Peters, M.E. (1994). A population study. Mortality and morbidity after availability of surfactant therapy. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 148, 1295-1301. |
Lecture 11 | The Delaware Infant Mortality Task Force: A Case Study Addressing Infant Mortality and Disparities | Required: Maryland Commission on Infant Mortality Prevention (1998) Closing the Gap. Addressing the disparity of infant mortality among African-American and white infants: Approaches for clinicians and policy makers. Centers for Disease Control (2003) Increasing infant morality among very low birthweight infants- Delaware, 1994-2000. MMWR, 52(36), 862-866. |
Lecture 12 | Public Policy and Infant Mortality | Required: Almeida, C., Braveman, P., Gold, M.R., Szwarcwald, C.L., Mendes Ribeiro, J., Miglionico, A., Millar, J.S., Porto, S., Do Rosario Costa, N., Ortun Rubio, V., Segall, M., Starfield, B., Travessos, C., Uga, A., Valente, J., Viacava, F. (2001) Methodological concerns and recommendations on policy consequence of the World Health Report 2000, The Lancet, 357, 1692-1697. Murray, C., Frenk, J. (2001) World Health Report 2000: a step towards evidence-based health policy. The Lancet, 357, 1698-1700. Navarro, V. (2001) World Health Report 2000: responses to Murray and Frank. The Lancet, 357, 1701-1702. World Health Organization (WHO) (2000) The World Health Report 2000: Overview. Geneva, WHO. Adam, T., Lim, S.S., Mehta, S., Bhutta, Z.A., Fogstad, H., Mathai, M., Zupan, J., Darmstadt, G.L. (2005) Cost-effectiveness analysis of strategies for maternal and neonatal health in developing countries. BMJ, 331(7525):1107. |
Other Resources
» Infant Mortality-Specific Sites
Knowledge Path: Infant Mortality
» Public Health Related Engines/Clearinghouses
National Library of Medicine Census Bureau Home Page Virtual Libraries CDC Home Page US Government Publications NIH Home Page WCHPC (Women's and Children's Health Policy Center)
» Electronic Journals
Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report - CDC Surveillance Summaries Population Index
» Health Statistics
National Academy of Science/NAE/IOM/NRC Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center Maternal and Child Health Bureau
» US Government Health Data
Census Bureau Home Page Census TMS Home Page IPUMS FedWorld Home Page National Academy of Sciences/NRC USAID United States Geological Survey Home Page United States Department of State Healthy People 2010
Course content
- Lecture 1: Introduction to the Problem of Infant Mortality 01:10:00
- Lecture 2: Epidemiology of Infant Morality I: Terminology and Immediate Causes of Infant Mortality 01:20:00
- Lecture 3: Epidemiology of Infant Mortality II: Person, Place, and Time 01:10:00
- Lecture 5: Strategies for Reducing Low Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in the U.S. 01:10:00
- Lecture 7: Current Controversies in Perinatal Health 00:55:00
- Lecture 8: Racial Differences in Pregnancy Outcomes 01:10:00
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